using Microsoft.SqlServer.Dac.CodeAnalysis; using Microsoft.SqlServer.Dac.Model; using Microsoft.SqlServer.TransactSql.ScriptDom; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Globalization; namespace SampleRules { class AvoidWaitForDelayRule {} } 在AvoidWaitForDelayRule 类声明中,...
DROPPROCEDUREIFEXISTSusp_CleanupHistoryData; GOCREATEPROCEDUREusp_CleanupHistoryData @temporalTableSchema SYSNAME, @temporalTableName SYSNAME, @cleanupOlderThanDate DATETIME2ASDECLARE@disableVersioningScriptNVARCHAR(MAX) ='';DECLARE@deleteHistoryDataScriptNVARCHAR(MAX)...
使用Table 对话框添加新表 您将新建一个名为 DEPENDENTS 的表,它包含一个指向 EMPLOYEES 表的外键。执行以下步骤: 1. 右键单击 Tables 并选择 New Table。 2. 在Name 域中输入 DEPENDENTS,然后单击 Advanced 复选框。 3. 在Name 域中输入 ID,Datatype 选择 NUMBER,并在 Precision 域中输入 6。选择 ...
Table 6-1 lists the scripts that are required for the Oracle Server with the indicated options. The appropriate scripts for your Oracle Server options are run automatically when you create a database. They are described here because you might need to run them again, when upgrading to a new ...
使用Script模式 Script模式下,需要用户自己创建输出表,表名指定为${o1}可作为节点端口输出。更多信息,请参见SQL脚本模式。 输入源 展示上游输入的表名。 是否由系统添加Create Table语句 选中是否由系统添加Create Table语句复选框,则SQL脚本的最后一行SQL语句必须为Select语句,PAI会自动创建一个临时表,用来存储Select...
// Set the Publisher, publication database, and publication names.stringpublisherName = publisherInstance;stringpublicationName ="AdvWorksSalesOrdersMerge";stringpublicationDbName ="AdventureWorks2022"; ReplicationDatabase publicationDb; MergePublication publication;// Create a connection to the Publisher.Serve...
sql文件可以放在meta-inf里面: <property name="javax.persistence.sql-load-script-source" value="META-INF/data.sql"/> 真实路径要在:src/main/resources/META-INF/create.sql ./drop.sql是widlfly从哪里运行的当前目录。
Create.ClickCreateto create a script in the Script Editor. See"Creating a SQL Script". Switching to Another SQL Workshop Component You can navigate to another SQL Workshop component by making a selection from the Component list located on the upper right side of the page: ...
scrp.Options.WithDependencies = true; scrp.Options.Indexes = true; // To include indexes scrp.Options.DriAllConstraints = true; // to include referential constraints in the script // Iterate through the tables in database and script each one. Display the script. foreach (Table tb in db.T...
SQL命令 CREATE TABLE(一) 创建表 大纲 代码语言:javascript 复制 CREATE[GLOBALTEMPORARY]TABLEtable(table-element-commalist)[shard-key][WITHtable-option-commalist]table-element::=[%DESCRIPTIONstring][%FILEstring][{%EXTENTSIZE|%NUMROWS}integer][%PUBLICROWID][%ROUTINEstring]{fieldname datatype[AUTO_...