访问Microsoft 官网选择 SQL Server 下载页面选择适合的 SQL Server 版本下载 SQL Server 安装包运行安装程序选择安装 SQL Server Configuration Manager 使用SQL Server Configuration Manager 一旦成功安装 SQL Server,您将能够找到 SQL Server Configuration Manager。您可以通过以下方式打开它: 在Windows 搜索框中,输入“S...
但发现没能找到SQL 2012 Configuration Manager, 最后找到解决方法: 运行“sqlservermanager11.msc” 参考: http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/sqlserver/en-US/e6782ff4-c2a3-432f-8339-2f5b8e7cee26/sql-2012-configuration-manager
SQL Server 2012 (11.x)C:\Windows\SysWOW64\SQLServerManager11.msc Because SQL Server Configuration Manager is a snap-in for the Microsoft Management Console program and not a stand-alone program, SQL Server Configuration Manager doesn't appear as an application in newer versions of Windows. ...
安装完成后,可以在Windows的开始菜单中找到SQL Server Configuration Manager。 4. 启动SQL Server Configuration Manager 安装完成后,您可以通过以下方式启动SQL Server Configuration Manager: 在Windows开始菜单中,搜索“SQL Server Configuration Manager”。 Windows开始菜单中搜索“SQL Server Configuration Manager” 1. 5...
I saved the results out to a .RPT file, imported it into Excel, Inserted a PivotTable, and viola, a list of all SQL views and their associated columns for Configuration Manager 2012. Download link for the spreadsheet :https://sdrv.ms/16zxy8I ...
Configuration Manager 針對中國GB18030標準支援此定序的兩個例外狀況。 如需詳細資訊,請參閱國際支援。 資料庫相容性層級 Configuration Manager 要求月台資料庫的相容性層級不小於 Configuration Manager 版本的最低支援 SQL Server 版本。 當您從舊版 SQL Server 升級月臺資料庫時,如果該 SQL Server 實例的最低允...
使用Configuration Manager配置报表服务 1. 登陆SQL Server服务器,打开Reporting Services配置管理器 2. 点击服务账户,配置服务运行账户为“Local system” 3. 点击Web服务URL,确认设置无误 4. 点击数据库,确认数据库已经被创建 5. 点击报表管理器URL,确认URL已经被创建以及能够被正常访问 6. 登陆Configuration Manager...
The problem with doing the above is that when Configuration Manager is installed it creates some internal certificates which are dependent on the master key. When the account being used to run the database server changes the new account is no longer able to 'un...
Learn how to create an alias in SQL Server Configuration Manager so that you can use an alternate name when connecting to an instance of SQL Server.
program, SQL Server Configuration Manager not does not appear as an application when running Windows 8. To open SQL Server Configuration Manager, in theSearchcharm, underApps, type SQLServerManager11.msc (for SQL Server 2012) or SQLServerManager10.msc for (SQL Server 2008), and then press...