SQL SERVER Configuration Management 配置管理器中的协议,每个IP地址各自的属性对话框对各个IP地址进行配置。如果设置为“是”,则IPAll属性
Server installation. It's a Microsoft Management Console (MMC) snap-in that can be accessed from the Start menu or added to any other MMC display. The MMC uses theSQLServerManager<version>.mscfile (for example, SQLServerManager16.msc for SQL Server 2022) to open SQL Server Confi...
安装完成后,可以在Windows的开始菜单中找到SQL Server Configuration Manager。 4. 启动SQL Server Configuration Manager 安装完成后,您可以通过以下方式启动SQL Server Configuration Manager: 在Windows开始菜单中,搜索“SQL Server Configuration Manager”。 Windows开始菜单中搜索“SQL Server Configuration Manager” 1. 5...
选择 SQLServerManager16.msc 将打开 Configuration Manager。 要将 Configuration Manager 固定到“起始页”或“任务栏”,请右键单击“SQLServerManager16.msc”,然后选择“打开文件位置”。在“Windows 文件资源管理器”中,右键单击“SQLServerManager16.msc”,然后选择“固定到起始页”或...
Server installation. It's a Microsoft Management Console (MMC) snap-in that can be accessed from the Start menu or added to any other MMC display. The MMC uses theSQLServerManager<version>.mscfile (for example, SQLServerManager16.msc for SQL Server 2022) to open SQL Server Configuration ...
随笔分类 - 数据库选项--数据库状态 摘要:OFFLINE数据库已关闭、完全关闭并标记为脱机。 数据库脱机时,不能进行修改。ONLINE该数据库已打开且可用。EMERGENCY数据库标记为 READ_ONLY,已禁用日志记录,并且仅限 sysadmin 固定服务器角色的成员进行访问。 EMERGENCY 主要用于故障排除。 例如,可以将由于损坏了日志文件而...
Server installation. It's a Microsoft Management Console (MMC) snap-in that can be accessed from the Start menu or added to any other MMC display. The MMC uses theSQLServerManager<version>.mscfile (for example, SQLServerManager16.msc for SQL Server 2022) to open SQL Server Configuration ...
Server installation. It's a Microsoft Management Console (MMC) snap-in that can be accessed from the Start menu or added to any other MMC display. The MMC uses theSQLServerManager<version>.mscfile (for example, SQLServerManager16.msc for SQL Server 2022) to open SQL Server Configuration ...
Server installation. It's a Microsoft Management Console (MMC) snap-in that can be accessed from the Start menu or added to any other MMC display. The MMC uses theSQLServerManager<version>.mscfile (for example, SQLServerManager16.msc for SQL Server 2022) to open SQL Server Configuration ...
無法在 Configuration Manager 中連線到 WMI 提供者錯誤 SQL Server 的重新執行標記語言公用程式描述 密碼錯誤或回應緩慢 MSDB 資料庫成長 設定收集組之後,不會將新數據上傳至 MDW 資料庫 未設定 RemoteSigned 時的 PowerShell 問題 重新執行標記語言公用程式 ...