Specifies any field or combination of fields in the table for creating a candidate index. A table can have multiple candidate indexes. However, if you previously created a primary index with one of thePRIMARY KEYoptions, you cannot include the field that was specified for the primary index. ...
You can also use theSET COLLATEcommand before creating an index. For more information about setting collation sequences, seeOptimizing International ApplicationsandSET COLLATE Command. REFERENCES TableName2 [TAG TagName1] Specifies the parent table to which a persistent relationship is established. The ...
Creates a table having the specified fields.The Visual FoxPro ODBC Driver supports the native Visual FoxPro language syntax for this command. For driver-specific information, see Driver Remarks.SyntaxCopy CREATE TABLE | DBF TableName1 [NAME LongTableName] [FREE] (FieldName1FieldType [(n...
If we try to create a table that already exists, we get an error message'Error: table already exists'. To fix this issue, we can add the optionalIF NOT EXISTScommand while creating a table. Let's look at an example. -- create a Companies table if it does not existCREATETABLEIFNOTEX...
<table_option> ::=指定一个或多个表选项。DATA_COMPRESSION为指定的表、分区号或分区范围指定数据压缩选项。 选项如下:无 不压缩表或指定的分区。 ROW 使用行压缩来压缩表或指定的分区。 PAGE 使用页压缩来压缩表或指定的分区。 COLUMNSTORE 适用于:SQL Server 2016 (13.x) 及更高版本和 Azure SQL 数据库。
如果提供程序支持对 TABLE_CATALOG(或 TABLE_SCHEMA)的限制,则 SQL Server 会对 TABLE_CATALOG(或 TABLE_SCHEMA)使用该限制。 如果远程表名称中未指定目录(或架构)名称,则使用 NULL 值作为相应的限制值。 如果已指定目录(或架构)名称,则提供程序必须支持对 TABLE_CATALOG(或 TABLE_SCHEMA)的相应限制。 提...
The CREATE TABLE statement defines a table. The definition must include its name and the names and attributes of its columns. The definition can include other attributes of the table, such as its primary key and its table space. Invocation for CREATE TABLE This statement can be embedded in ...
Once we execute the above query, it shows the message of ‘table created successfully’ In the previous query of SQL create we use to check to constrain with IN command we mean that value must be from values after IN command here status value either occupied or free. ...
BULK INSERT command BULK INSERTis a Transact-SQL command that you can run from SQL Server Management Studio. The following example loads the data from theData.csvcomma-delimited file into an existing database table. As described previously in thePrerequisitessection, you have to ex...
ALTER TABLE modifies a table definition by altering, adding, or dropping columns and constraints. ALTER TABLE also reassigns and rebuilds partitions, or disables and enables constraints and triggers.