1、判断数据库是否存在 if exists(select * from master..sysdatabases where name=N'数据库名') print 'The database exists' --若存在则输出 --drop database '数据库名' --用于最初创建数据库 else print 'not exists' 2、判断要创建的函数名是否存在 if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where ...
if exists ( * from sys.databases where name = ’数据库名’) drop database [数据库名] 2 判断表是否存在 Sql代码 if exists (select * from sysobjects where id = object_id(N’[表名]’) and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N’IsUserTable’) = 1) drop table [表名] 3 判断存储过程是否存在 Sql代码 ...
if exists (select * from sys.databases where name = ’数据库名’) print '存在' -- drop database [数据库名] --如果存在则删除 1. 2. 2、表是否存在 if exists (select * from sysobjects where id = object_id(N’[表名]’) and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N’IsUserTable’) = 1) print '存在...
if exists (select * from sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[表名]') and type in('S','U')) --字段 type 值应为'S' 或 'U' print '存在' else print '不存在' 3、判断存储过程 方法一: if exists (select * from sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[存储过程名]') and OBJECTPROPERT...
Theto_regclass()function checks if a database object with the specified name exists. If it does, it returns theobject ID; otherwise, it returnsNULL. We can use theCOALESCE()function to convert this result into a boolean value. However,this approach returnstrueif any database object with tha...
CREATE TRIGGER Purchasing.LowCredit ON Purchasing.PurchaseOrderHeader AFTER INSERT AS IF (ROWCOUNT_BIG() = 0) RETURN; IF EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM inserted AS i JOIN Purchasing.Vendor AS v ON v.BusinessEntityID = i.VendorID WHERE v.CreditRating = 5 ) BEGIN RAISERROR ('A vendor''s credit ...
USEAdventureWorks2022; GO-- determines if function exists in databaseIF OBJECT_ID (N'Sales.fn_SalesByStore', N'IF') IS NOT NULL-- deletes functionDROPFUNCTIONSales.fn_SalesByStore; GO 另请参阅 DROP FUNCTION (Transact-SQL) 反馈 此页面是否有帮助?
1 判断 数据库是否存在 Sql代码 if exists (select * from sys.databases where name = ’数据库名’) drop database [数据库名] if exists (select * from sys.databases where name = ’数据库名’) drop databa…
IF EXISTS (SELECT name FROM sys.indexes WHERE name = N'FIBillOfMaterialsWithComponentID' AND object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'Production.BillOfMaterials')) DROP INDEX FIBillOfMaterialsWithComponentID ON Production.BillOfMaterials; GO CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [FIBillOfMaterialsWithComponentID...
Non-zero counts represent the availability of records in the database table. 4. Using EXISTS Operator The EXISTS clause is one of the powerful and effective ways to check the existence of a record in a subquery. It is particularly effective as it stops processing when it finds the first mat...