8207 Enables singleton updates for Transactional Replication and CDC. Updates to subscribers can be replicated as a DELETE and INSERT pair. This might not meet business rules, such as firing an UPDATE trigger. With Trace Flag 8207, an update to a unique column that affects only one row (a ...
| { REWIND | NOREWIND } | { UNLOAD | NOUNLOAD } <replication_WITH_option>::= | KEEP_REPLICATION <change_data_capture_WITH_option>::= | KEEP_CDC <FILESTREAM_WITH_option>::= | FILESTREAM ( DIRECTORY_NAME = directory_name ) <service_broker_WITH_options>::= | ENABLE_BROKER | ERROR_BR...
select 'exec msdb.sys.sp_dbmmonitoraddmonitoring1; exec msdb.sys.sp_dbmmonitorresults ''' + @dbname+ ''', 5, 0; waitfor delay ''00:01:01''; exec msdb.sys.sp_dbmmonitorresults ''' + @dbname+ '''; exec msdb.sys.sp_dbmmonitordropmonitoring' as CheckMirroringStatu...
select 'DatabaseMirroringfordatabase''' +@dbname+ '''may be behind:checkunsent_log, send_rate, unrestored_log, recovery_rate, average_delayinthisoutput' as Recommendation select 'exec msdb.sys.sp_dbmmonitoraddmonitoring1; exec msdb.sys.sp_dbmmonitorresults ''' + @dbname+ ''', 5, 0; w...
RESTORE 语句也可用于对全文数据执行替代位置还原、差异还原、文件和文件组还原,以及差异文件和文件组还原。 此外,RESTORE 可以仅还原全文文件,也可以同时还原数据库数据。 备注 从SQL Server 2005 (9.x) 导入的全文目录仍然被视为数据库文件。 对于这些目录,用于备份全文目录的 SQL Server 2005 (9.x) 过程仍然适...
sp_cdc_drop_job --从当前数据库中删除变更数据捕获清除或捕获作业。 sp_cdc_enable_db --对当前数据库启用变更数据捕获。 sp_cdc_enable_table --为当前数据库中指定的源表启用变更数据捕获。 sp_cdc_generate_wrapper_function --生成用于为SQL Server 中可用的变更数据捕获查询函数创建包装函数的脚本。
sp_cdc_change_job --修改当前数据库中变更数据捕获清除或捕获作业的配置。 sp_cdc_cleanup_change_table --根据指定的low_water_mark 值从当前数据库的更改表中删除行。 sp_cdc_disable_db --对当前数据库禁用变更数据捕获。 sp_cdc_disable_table --对当前数据库中指定的源表和捕获实例禁用变更数据捕获。
8020 Disable working set monitoring. SQL Server uses the size of the working set when it receives global memory state signals from the operating system. Trace Flag 8020 removes the size of the working set memory from consideration when SQL Server interprets the global memory state signals. If ...
8020 Disable working set monitoring. SQL Server uses the size of the working set when it receives global memory state signals from the operating system. Trace Flag 8020 removes the size of the working set memory from consideration when SQL Server interprets the global memory state signals. If ...
Monitoring Developer->>SQL Server Monitoring SQL Server Database Changes 2. 具体步骤及代码 步骤一:连接到 SQL Server -- 连接到 SQL ServerUSEmaster;GO 1. 2. 3. 步骤二:启用变更数据捕获(Change Data Capture) -- 启用变更数据捕获USEYourDatabase;GO-- 开启数据库所需的服务EXECsys.sp_cdc_enable_...