[fillFactor], case (indexProperty(object_id(o.name), i.name, 'isClustered')) when 1 then 'clustered' when 0 then 'nonclustered' else 'statistic' end as type from sysIndexes i join sysObjects o on o.id = i.id where o.type = 'u' and indexProperty(object_id(o.name), i.name, '...
CASE WHEN - Adding collate into it. Case WHEN and concatenate string CASE WHEN isnumeric(ColValue) THEN ... ELSE ... END CASE WHEN MIN,SUM ETC. CASE WHEN Problem with CASE NULL cast nvarchar to smalldatetime Cast a varchar(6), 112 as date CAST and IsNull together cast or convert nva...
mysql数据库中 case when语句使用 在mysql数据库中,有时候我们会使用到类似if else的判断操作。那么mysql中怎么处理这种需求呢?...mysql 判断操作一种语法: case ..when语句 语法有两种 语法一: case when 语法1 示例: SELECT (CASE state WHEN 1 THEN '启用中' WHEN...执行结果 语法二: case when语法...
@comments = 'Lock timeout expired' END ELSE IF @err = 1205 BEGIN SELECT @retry = CASE WHEN @retry < @numretries THEN @retry + 1 ELSE 0 END, @comments = 'Deadlock;' + CASE WHEN @retry > 0 THEN ' attempting retry #' + CAST(@retry AS VARCHAR(10)) ELSE ' aborting' END END ...
The inner query finds all the sales territories covered by sales persons, and then, for each territory, the outer query finds the customers who aren't in one.For the same reason, when you use NOT IN in this query, the results include none of the customers....
Having problems with the decimal point when exporting data to CSV Help - how to get column headers to flat file Help in building SSIS package to Delete the existing Rows and then insert new rows from MS Access 2007 Help me to understand this error in SSIS Help on UNPIVOT: Merging two tab...
Using non-parameterized queries when that isn't necessary isn't a best practice. An example is in the case of ad hoc analysis. Cached plans can't be reused, which forces Query Optimizer to compile queries for every unique query text. For more information, seeGuidelines for using forced para...
PL/SQL also provides asearchedCASEstatement, which has the form: [<>]CASEWHEN search_condition1 THEN sequence_of_statements1;WHEN search_condition2 THEN sequence_of_statements2;...WHEN search_conditionN THEN sequence_of_statementsN;[ELSE sequence_of_statementsN+1;]END CASE [label_name]; ...
SQL is used as a Data Definition Language (DDL) meaning you can independently create a database, define its structure, use it and then discard it when you are done with it It is also used as a Data Manipulation Language (DML) which means you can use it for maintaining an already existi...
A solution is to use a DDL (Data Definition Language) trigger that fires every time a new user or role is created. One such trigger, shown inFigure 4, will extract the type of event (create user or create role) and the name of the principal being created, and then generate a dynamic...