SQL CASE statement with multiple conditions In case you need the result to satisfy multiple conditions, you can add those conditions to the T-SQL CASE statement and combine them with the AND operator: CASE expression WHEN condition1 AND condition2 THEN result1 ELSE result2 END ...
CASE表达式是用来判断条件的,条件成立时返回某个值,条件不成立时返回另一个值。 语法: CASEWHENComparsionConditionTHENresultWHENComparsionConditionTHENresultELSEotherEND (注:各分支返回的数据类型需一致。) (注:when子句一定要有排他性,因为当when子句为真时,剩余的when子句会被忽略。) CASE表达式的用途: 1,转换...
A simple CASE statement expression In this format, we evaluate one expression against multiple values. In a simple case statement, it evaluates conditions one by one. Once the condition and expression are matched, it returns the expression mentioned in THEN clause. We have following syntax for ...
In the T-SQL scripting language, you can use the SQL CASE statement to evaluate a condition and return one or more result expressions. This SQL Tutorial will teach you when and how you can use CASE in T-SQL statements. Solution TheCASE expressionis used to build IF … THEN … ELSE stat...
Tuning SQL via case when statement 原SQL如下:SQL的主要问题是红色部分居然通过标量查询,反复的查找与SQL相同的基表,很显然这个可以用case when来简化。 select a.TRAN_ID, a.AMOUNT, a.BALANCE, a.INVAMT, a.PROMISED, a.INVNO, a.RCLNUM, b.PROBLEM_ID,...
You should only depend on order of evaluation of the WHEN conditions for scalar expressions (including non-correlated sub-queries that return scalars), not for aggregate expressions. Examples A. Using a SELECT statement with a simple CASE expression ...
SQL case when statement niha.736 Ten Centuries Points: 1210 More actions February 4, 2014 at 2:45 am #285141 Hi below is the scenario which I have currently in my query. I need to write this query without any hardoce values , so that it will work til n number of years without ...
SELECT CASE WHEN contact_id < 1000 THEN 'TechOnTheNet.com' WHEN website_id = 2 THEN 'CheckYourMath.com' END FROM contacts; Just remember that conditions are evaluated in the order listed. Once aconditionis found to be true, the CASE statement will return the result and not evaluate the...
When you create or modify a database, you can use the COLLATE clause of the CREATE DATABASE or ALTER DATABASE statement to specify the default database collation. If no collation is specified, the database is assigned the server collation....
CASE STATEMENT RETURNING MULTIPLE ROWS Case Statement returning multiple values CASE statement returns "Invalid Column Name" Error Case statement that increments variable with 1 is giving error Case Statement using Divide CASE Statement when not null , else if Help Case statement with Between in Where...