使用字元集編碼charSet,將二進位expr轉譯為字元串。 語法 decode(expr, charSet) 引數 exprBINARY:在 中編碼的charset表達式。 charSet:STRING運算式。 傳回 STRING。 如果charSet不符合編碼,則結果未定義。 支援下列字元集編碼方式(不區分大小寫): 'US-ASCII':七位 ASCII、ISO646-US。
in 函式 initcap 函式 內嵌函式 inline_outer 函式 input_file_block_length 函式 input_file_block_start 函式 input_file_name 函式 instr 函式 int 函式 is_member 函式 is_valid_utf8 函式 is_variant_null 函式 is_account_group_member 函式 isdistinct 運算子 isfalse 運算子 isnan 函式 is...
Below the editor, you see a Status Bar. The first field shows the current caret position in the format: <line>:<column> [<position from top>] The last figure, within square brackets, is the caret position from the top. This can be useful when you get an error message executing a scr...
bold Type database names, table names, column names, index names, stored procedures, utilities, data type names, and text exactly as shown. | (vertical bar) Separates syntax items enclosed in brackets or braces. You can use only one of the items. [ ] (brackets) Optional syntax item. {...
bold Type database names, table names, column names, index names, stored procedures, utilities, data type names, and text exactly as shown. | (vertical bar) Separates syntax items enclosed in brackets or braces. You can use only one of the items. [ ] (brackets) Optional syntax item. {...
You need to handle the case where an object and a type both have the same schema and name. Schema names and Object / Type names should be wrapped in square brackets via the QUOTENAME built-in function. There are four different types of Types: System, User-Defined Dat...
Changed column names in system objects. In SQL Server 2012 (11.x) the columnsingle_pages_kbinsys.dm_os_sys_infowas renamed topages_kb. Regardless of the compatibility level, the querySELECT single_pages_kb FROM sys.dm_os_sys_infowill produce error 207 (Invalid column name). ...
Once you’ve identified the part of the SQL statement causing the error, check the SQL code for syntax errors. Look for missing brackets, commas, or misspelled operators, clauses, expressions, or keywords. The example from the previous step shows that the problematic part of the SQL command ...
getElementById('code'), { //初始化配置 value: '', theme: 'vs-dark', autoIndex: true, language: 'sql', // 语言类型 tabCompletion: 'on', cursorSmoothCaretAnimation: true, formatOnPaste: true, mouseWheelZoom: true, folding: true, //代码折叠 autoClosingBrackets: 'always', autoClosingOver...
Changed column names in system objects. In SQL Server 2012 (11.x) the columnsingle_pages_kbinsys.dm_os_sys_infowas renamed topages_kb. Regardless of the compatibility level, the querySELECT single_pages_kb FROM sys.dm_os_sys_infowill produce error 207 (Invalid column name). ...