4、使用BEGIN和END定义动态SQL语句 BEGIN和END还可以用于动态SQL语句的构建。例如:DECLARE @SQLStatement ...
begin ……end将一个语句块包含起来,中间可以写任何语句 格式: begin--开始 select *from student end--结束 if declare @bianliang int set @bianliang = 10 if @bianliang>10 print '你好' else print 'hello' 若if后面有多个语句,用begin end作为分隔点 declare @shuxue decimal(18,2) select @shuxue ...
begin insert into test1 values (0,'张三0','0');insert into test1 values (1,'张三1','1');insert into test1 values (2,'张三2','2');insert into test1 values (3,'张三3','3');insert into test1 values (4,'张三4','4'); end // 存储过程的查看和调用: select `name` from mysql...
BEGIN DROP TABLE #Temp END SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY t.Id ASC) rowid, tableName.* into #Temp from tableName set @count = (select COUNT(1) from #Temp) while @row <= @count BEGIN select @XXid = XXid from #Temp where rowid=@row; set @row = @row +1; END 1. 2. ...
2017-06-08 10:36 −Begin...End之间的是一个语句块,一般Begin...End用在 ( 相当于 {})whileif等语句中在T_SQL中,if/while后只能紧跟一条sql语句,如果有多条则应该用Begin..end包含起来如:if (@int > 9)set @int = 1... 路修远而求索 ...
In the following example, BEGIN and END define a series of Transact-SQL statements that execute together. If the BEGIN...END block isn't included, both ROLLBACK TRANSACTION statements would execute, and both PRINT messages would be returned....
BEGIN INSERT INTO `user_history`(user_id, operate_type, operate_time) VALUES (NEW.id, 'add a user', now()); END $ DELIMITER ; 查看触发器 SHOW TRIGGERS; 删除触发器 DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS trigger_insert_user; 作者:静默虚空 原文:https://juejin.im/post/5c7e52... ...
⚠️:AND操作符的优先级是高于OR操作符 SELECT prod_name,prod_price FROM Products WHERE vend_id = 'DLL01' OR vend_id = 'BRS01' AND prod_price >= 10; 上面的语句原本表达的含义是先挑选满足两个vend_id的条件;但是SQL在执行的时候,AND操作符先处理。如果我们想先执行AND前面的部分,可以加上...
end 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 循环退出 BREAK; CONTINUE; 1. 2. 自定义错误处理 BEGIN TRY -- SQL END TRY BEGIN CATCH --SQL END CATCH 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 可以在CATCH中使用以下语句抛出错误: THROW {error_number | @local_variable}, ...