To determine the SKUs (including the SKU name, tier/edition, family, and capacity) that are available to your subscription in an Azure region, use the `Capabilities_ListByLocation` REST API or one of the following commands:```azurecliaz sql db list-editions -l <location> -o table...
On the Custom deployment blade, select Edit template > Quickstart template and then use the drop-down list of available custom templates to select the sql-2016-alwayson template. Select OK, then Save. On the Custom deployment blade, select Edit parameters and review the default values. Modify ...
使用位元邏輯 OR (Visual C# 中為 | 且Visual Basic 中為 Or ) 運算子,將 AllowSubscriberInitiatedSnapshot 值加入 Attributes。 Login 的Password 和SnapshotGenerationAgentProcessSecurity 欄位,可提供執行快照集代理程式作業所使用之 Microsoft Windows 帳戶的認證。 注意 當發行集是由 SnapshotGenerationAgentProces...
In the database dropdown list, select the database that you want, as shown here: Paste the following T-SQL code snippet into the query window: SQL USE[TutorialDB]-- Create a new table called 'Customers' in schema 'dbo'-- Drop the table if it already existsIFOBJECT_ID('dbo.Custo...
Indicates parameters for which values are supplied in the <arg-list> of pass-through commands that are used in an EXECUTE ('...', <arg-list>) AT <linkedsrv> statement.AT linked_server_nameSpecifies that command_string is executed against linked_server_name and results, if any, are ...
CACHESTORE_SEARCHPROPERTYLISTThis cache store is used for allocations by Full-Text engine forProperty ListCache CACHESTORE_SEHOBTCOLUMNATTRIBUTEThis cache store is used by storage engine for caching Heap or B-Tree (HoBT) column metadata structures. ...
Not in the list of the transactions active when the snapshot transaction started. Read operations performed by a SNAPSHOT transaction retrieve the last version of each row that had been committed at the time the SNAPSHOT transaction started. This provides a transactionally consistent snapshot of ...
sqlListColumnsshows columns for tables matching aLIKEquery. Thanks to Emad Alashi for this contribution! Support for connecting using a connection string. When adding a connection profile you can now paste in an ADO.Net connection string instead of specifying server name, database name etc. indivi...
This cmdlet does not support the use of commands that are primarily related to interactive script editing. The commands not supported include :!!, :connect, :error, :out, :ed, :list, :listvar, :reset, :perftrace, and :serverlist. When this cmdlet is run, the first result set that th... - for a list of AWS Account IDs in stdin or files, finds AWS SSO accounts in AWS config missing from the provided list - retrieves AWS SSO session credentials in the format of environment export commands for copying to other sys...