Azure Storage account The backups are stored in Azure Blob Storage associated with an Azure storage account. For step-by-step instructions to create a storage account, see Create a storage account. Blob container Blobs are organized in containers. You specify the target container for the backup ...
7.最后我们将步骤5中的T-SQL语句,通过SQL Server Job,每天执行一次。这样每天就可以自动把数据库备份到Azure Storage Account,并且重命名。 8.读者可以根据需要,修改步骤5中的T-SQL语句,可以按照一定规律,将差异备份、或者是日志备份,保存到Azure Storage中。 9.最后一步,如果我们定期备份数据以后,希望把老旧的数据...
Discovers databases that are running on a virtual machine, Azure Backup uses the NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM account. This account must be a public sign-in on SQL.If you didn't create the SQL Server virtual machine by using an Azure Marketplace image, you need to assign to the NT SERVICE...
这样每天就可以自动把数据库备份到Azure Storage Account,并且重命名。 8.读者可以根据需要,修改步骤5中的T-SQL语句,可以按照一定规律,将差异备份、或者是日志备份,保存到Azure Storage中。 9.最后一步,如果我们定期备份数据以后,希望把老旧的数据删除的话,可以用Azure Automation实现,具体参考这篇blog: Azure Automati...
需要 Azure 存储帐户、SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS),以及对运行 SQL Server 的服务器或 Azure SQL 托管实例的访问权限。 此外,用于发出 BACKUP 和 RESTORE 命令的帐户应属于具有“更改任意凭据”权限的 db_backupoperator数据库角色。获取免费的 Azure 帐户。 创建Azure 存储...
I set the backup to go to the new folder I created and mapped to an Azure Blob storage account. When the backup completes we can check the Storage Explorer to ensure the backup did in fact get placed in Azure. If I look in the folder on the computer I can see a stub file that I...
The persist toggle in SaniyaSamreen There is a limit of 12.8 TB for backups to storage account container. So this means that this limit is set by the storage account and not set by SQL Server? I always thought it was a SQL Server limitation....
It is important to understand the components and the interaction between them to perform a backup to or restore from Microsoft Azure Blob Storage. Creating an Azure Storage account within your Azure subscription is the first step in this process. This storage account is an administrative account th...
Azure 备份在 VM 上安装 AzureBackupWindowsWorkload 扩展。 不会在 SQL 数据库中安装任何代理。 Azure 备份在 VM 上创建服务帐户 NT Service\AzureWLBackupPluginSvc。 所有备份和还原操作使用该服务帐户。 NT Service\AzureWLBackupPluginSvc 需要SQL sysadmin 权限。 在 Azure 市场中创建的所有 SQL Server VM 已...
如果使用 Azure 页 Blob 或在备份语句中指定 WITH CREDENTIAL 选项,则此问题仅影响 Azure 存储的备份,如以下示例查询中所示:BACKUP DATABASE AdventureWorks2016 TO URL = 'https://