创建SQLAuditStore 按照以下步骤创建 SQLAuditStore: 在左侧导航栏,单击产品服务 > 组件。 在组件管理页面,单击右上角的创建组件,选择创建 SQLAuditStore。 在创建 SQLAuditStore页面,配置各项参数。 SQLAuditStore 基础配置参数如下: 参数说明 SQLAuditStore 镜像SQLAuditStore 的 Docker 镜像 ...
创建SQLAuditStore 按照以下步骤创建 SQLAuditStore: 在左侧导航栏,单击产品服务 > 组件管理。 在组件管理页面,单击右上角的创建组件,选择创建 SQLAuditStore。 在创建 SQLAuditStore页面,配置各项参数。 SQLAuditStore 基础配置参数如下: 参数说明 SQLAuditStore 镜像SQLAuditStore 的 Docker 镜像 ...
sql_audit是基于虚拟表__all_virtual_sql_audit的视图, 该虚拟表对应的数据存放在一个可配置的内存空间中,能够记录并显示每一次SQL请求的来源、执行状态及统计信息,由于存放这些记录的内存是有限的,因此到达一定内存使用量,会触发淘汰。 sql_audit 每隔 1s 会检测后台任务并根据以下标准决定是否淘汰: sql_audit 内存...
There are several levels of auditing for SQL Server, depending on government or standards requirements for your installation. SQL Server Audit provides the tools and processes you must have to enable, store, and view audits on various server and database objects. ...
SQL Server Audit provides the tools and processes you must have to enable, store, and view audits on various server and database objects.You can record server audit action groups per-instance, and either database audit action groups or database audit actions per database. The audit e...
There are several levels of auditing for SQL Server, depending on government or standards requirements for your installation. SQL Server Audit provides the tools and processes you must have to enable, store, and view audits on various server and database objects. ...
There are several levels of auditing for SQL Server, depending on government or standards requirements for your installation. SQL Server Audit provides the tools and processes you must have to enable, store, and view audits on various server and database objects. ...
ApexSQL Audit provides out-of-the-box and custom reporting and enables you to audit all SQL database and security activities, meet compliance requirements like HIPAA, GDPR and PCI, securely store audit data in a tamper-evident repository and much more....
Diagnose Audit Protect Backup Inventory Explore All Products Discover Core Capabilities With Our Free Tools Performance Monitoring Query Store PowerShell Explore All Free Tools TESTIMONIALS Don't just take our word for it, take theirs. SQL DM quickly identifies query performance issues and generate ...
AUDIT_ON_DEMAND_TARGET_LOCK 在锁定等待时发生,该锁用于确保审核相关的扩展事件目标的单个初始化。 AUDIT_XE_SESSION_MGR 当锁定等待用于同步与审核相关的扩展事件会话的启动和停止时发生。 BACKUP 在备份处理过程中阻止任务时发生。 BACKUP_OPERATOR 当任务正在等待磁带装载时发生。 若要查看磁带状态,请查询 sys.dm...