In this tutorial, we dived deep into the process of sorting the data in SQL using the ORDER BY clause. We also learned how we can use the ASC keyword to sort the data in ascending order. Finally, we explored how we can sort the data using multiple columns....
The sorting is done in either ascending or in descending order. The default order of sorting is sorting in ascending order. SQL Order By clause is used withSQL Selectqueries. Sorting is done after the result set is obtained SQL Order By子句与SQL Select查询一起使用。 获得结果集后进行排序 We...
[ORDER BY 排序字段 [ASC | DESC] [,排序字段 [ASC | DESC] ...]];使用ORDER BY子句可以对查询结果进行排序,ORDER BY子句一定要写在所有查询语句的最后;详细介绍Restricting and Sorting Data Limit the rows that are retrieved by a query 限制从查询中返回的行...
orderby子句可以很方便地对返回的数据进行排序。orderby子句对返回的序列中的元素,根据指定的排序类型,使用默认比较器进行排序。其中,ascending表示按顺序排列,为默认方式;descending表示按逆序排列。若要把筛选的数据进行逆序排列,需要在查询语句中加上descending修饰符。 代码如下: 1 var result = from Stu in Student...
Sort Type: Ascending or Descending sorting of results. Sort Order: Order to use in sorting results if multiple columns or expressions are to be used (for example, sorting first by department and then by salary within each department). Grouping: Specifies whether to insert a GROUP BY clause. ...
Example - Sorting Results in Ascending Order To sort your results in ascending order, you can specify the ASC attribute. If no value (ASC or DESC) is provided after a field in the ORDER BY clause, the sort order will default to ascending order. Let's explore this further. ...
You can now create indexes on computed and bit data type columns, specify whether indexes are built in either ascending or descending order, and specify whether the database engine should use parallel scanning and sorting during index creation. Indexes defined on computed columns are allowed, as ...
The default sorting is ascending and is specified with theASCkeyword, and you don't need to explicitly add it, but if you want to sort by descending order, you need to use theDESCkeyword. If we use the query above and just addDESCat the end as follows: ...
order by birthdate; Sorting single columns select title,gross from films where title like'M%'order by title; Sorting single columns (DESC) To order results in descending order, you can put the keyword DESC after your ORDER BY. For example, to get all the names in the people table, in ...
|--Stream Aggregate(GROUP BY:([ORDERS].[o_orderpriority]) DEFINE:([Expr1005]=COUNT(*))) |--Parallelism(Gather Streams, ORDER BY: ([ORDERS].[o_orderpriority] ASC)) |--Stream Aggregate(GROUP BY: ([ORDERS].[o_orderpriority]) DEFINE:([Expr1005]=Count(*))) |--Sort(ORDER BY:([ORD...