You can add multiple columns in a single ALTER TABLE command as well. You’ll just need to surround the column details in brackets, and separate them with commas. This is slightly different from other databases which don’t require the brackets. ALTERTABLEcustomerADD(suburb VARCHAR2(100),postc...
ADD COLUMN column_name column_type [KEY | agg_type] [DEFAULT "default_value"] [AFTER column_name|FIRST] [TO index_name] [PROPERTIES ("key"="value", ...)] 注意: 聚合模型如果增加 value 列,需要指定agg_type 非聚合模型如果增加key列,需要指定KEY关键字 不能在rollup index中增加base index中...
If multiple ADD COLUMN clauses are specified in the same statement, at most one ADD COLUMN clause can contain a references-clause. If ALTER COLUMN SET DATA TYPE is specified, it must be specified first. 2 If ADD CLONE, DROP CLONE, RENAME COLUMN, ALTER ORGANIZATION, DROP ORGANIZATION, ADD ...
alter table [表名] modify column [字段名] [新数据类型(修改后的长度)] 例如:修改a表中name字段的类型为varchar,长度为20。然后再修改长度为30。 alter table a modify column name varchar(20); alter table a modify column name varchar(30) 1. 2. 4、删除字段 语法: alter table 表名 drop column...
table_name | table_name } { ADD { column_name <data_type> [COLLATE collation_name] [ <column_options> ] } [ ,...n ] | ADD { <column_constraint> FOR column_name} [ ,...n ] | DROP { [CONSTRAINT] constraint_name } [ ,...n ] } [ ; ] <column_options> ::= [ NULL ]...
How to Add Multiple Column's Sum in Pivot Table...??? How to Add Nameless DEFAULT CONSTRAINT How to add new line in SELECT Statement how to add string using a variable in where clause How to add the condition to CROSS Apply ? How to add trailing zeroes to Float and nvarchar Data Typ...
SQL_AD_ADD_CONSTRAINT_INITIALLY_IMMEDIATE(全级别) SQL_ALTER_TABLE 2.0 一个SQLUINTEGER 位掩码,用于枚举数据源支持的 ALTER TABLE 语句中的子句。必须支持此功能的 SQL-92 或 FIPS 一致性级别显示在每个位掩码旁边的括号中。以下位掩码用于确定支持哪些子句:SQL_AT_ADD_COLUMN_COLLATION = <支持添加列> 子句,...
SQL Multiple Insert可以通过以下方式实现: 使用INSERT INTO语句的多个值列表:可以在INSERT INTO语句中指定多个值列表,每个值列表对应一行数据。例如: 代码语言:sql 复制 INSERT INTO table_name (column1, column2, column3) VALUES (value1, value2, value3), (value4, value5, value6), (value7, value8,...
You can group data by a single field, by multiple fields, or by writing your own expression. You can create nested groups or independent, adjacent groups. To display aggregated values for grouped data, add totals to groups. Format the rows and columns to highlight the data you want to emp...
支援Multiple Active Result Sets (MARS)。 如果 MARS 工作階段在有作用中結果集的情況下,發出資料修改陳述式 (例如 INSERTUPDATE或DELETE),就會為修改陳述式所影響的資料列建立版本。 支援指定 ONLINE 選項的索引作業。 支援以資料列版本設定為基礎的交易隔離等級: 新的READ COMMITTED 隔離等級實作...