-- Add an existing database to the availability group. ALTER AVAILABILITY GROUP MyAG ADD DATABASE MyDb3; GO 在您将数据库添加到可用性组后,需要在承载辅助副本的每个服务器实例上配置相应的辅助数据库。 有关详细信息,请参阅启动AlwaysOn 辅助数据库的数据移动 (SQL Server)。
Add a database to an Always On availability group using the 'Availability Group Wizard' within SQL Server Management Studio.
ALTER AVAILABILITY GROUP group_name ADD DATABASE database_name [,...n] 其中group_name 是可用性群組的名稱,而 database_name 是要加入群組中之資料庫的名稱。 下列範例會將 MyDb3 資料庫加入 MyAG 可用性群組中。 複製 -- Connect to the server instance that hosts the primary repli...
SQL Server The target database ('db') is in an availability group and currently does not allow read only connections. For more information about application intent, see SQL Server Books Online. 一、问题概述 在错误日志中看到非常多的alwayson群集只读连接错误,错误信息的描述为“目标数据库位于可用性...
SQL Server The target database ('db') is in an availability group and currently does not allow read only connections. For more information about application intent, see SQL Server Books Online. 一、问题概述 在错误日志中看到非常多的alwayson群集只读连接错误,错误信息的描述为“目标数据库位于可用性...
创建Availability Group 配置Cluster Resource Manager, 比如 Pacemaker 在集群中添加 Availability Groups 详细解说 1. 配置三台 Linux 集群节点 在集群中的三台服务器之间可以互相通信 安装SQL Server 在Linux 上,往集群管理器中添加集群资源时,一定是先建立集群资源,接着将新建的资源加入到集群中去。
ALTER AVAILABILITY GROUP group_name { SET ( <set_option_spec> ) | ADD DATABASE database_name | REMOVE DATABASE database_name | ADD REPLICA ON <add_replica_spec> | MODIFY REPLICA ON <modify_replica_spec> | REMOVE REPLICA ON <server_instance> ...
CREATEAVAILABILITYGROUPgroup_nameWITH(<with_option_spec>[ ,...n ] )FOR[DATABASEdatabase_name[ ,...n ] ]REPLICAON<add_replica_spec>[ ,...n ]AVAILABILITYGROUPON<add_availability_group_spec>[ ,...2] [LISTENER'dns_name'(<listener_option>) ] [ ; ]<with_option_spec>::=AUTOMATED_BACK...
ALTER AVAILABILITY GROUP group_name { SET ( <set_option_spec> ) | ADD DATABASE database_name | REMOVE DATABASE database_name | ADD REPLICA ON <add_replica_spec> | MODIFY REPLICA ON <modify_replica_spec> | REMOVE REPLICA ON <server_instance> | JOIN | FAILOVER | FORCE_FAILOVER_ALLOW...
To add a database to an availability group, the database must be an online, read-write database that exists on the server instance that hosts the primary replica. When you add a database, it joins the availability group as a primary database, while remaining available to clients. No ...