Extend support for SQL Server 2012 by migrating your SQL Server instance to Azure, or purchasing extended support to keep instances on-premises.
SQL Server 2008 and SQL Server 2008 R2 are out of extended support and no longer available from the Azure Marketplace. Customers who are on an earlier version of SQL Server will need to either self-install or upgrade to SQL Server 2012. Likewise, customers on an earli...
虽然SQL Server 的“创建”和“管理”选项可用于 Azure 门户中的 SQL Server 2012 映像,但不支持以下功能:自动备份、Azure Key Vault 集成和 R Services。 许可 即用即付的 SQL Server 2012 部署可转换为Azure 混合权益。 若要将基于软件保障 (SA) 的许可证转换为即用即付许可证,客户应注册SQL IaaS 代理扩展...
Stay protected with Extended Support Updates enabled by Azure Arc. Organizations can now update and protect end of support Windows Server / SQL Server 2012 anywhere - on-premises or multicloud environments, right from the Azure portal, and in a convenient, flexible pay as you go model so you...
If you decide to move SQL Server to Azure Virtual Machines, you will gain access to free Extended Security Updates for up to three years after SQL Server 2012 end of support. We continue to innovate to make Azure Virtual Machines the best destination for your SQL Server by adding to our ...
End of support for SQL Server 2012 and Windows Server 2012/2012 R2. Your options for end-of-support, both on-premises and in the cloud. Extended Security Updates and how to get them for free in Azure. Enabling automatic security patches using SQL Server IaaS Agent ...
Overview Support Subscribe to Extended Security Updates enabled by Azure Arc Subscribe to Extended Security Updates at scale using Azure Policy Show 10 more Applies to: SQL Server 2012 (11.x)This article provides information how to receive Extended Security Updates (ESUs) for versions of SQ...
Windows Server 2012 和 2012 R2 支持终止。 Azure 上的 Windows Server 2008 和 2008 R2 扩展安全更新终止。 在Azure 上实现现代化 使用Azure 应用服务和Azure SQL 托管实例实现现代化,以避免终止支持并始终保持最新状态。 使用Azure Migrate进行迁移时升级 OS 版本。
Azure SQL 数据库和 Azure SQL 托管实例中扩展事件的特征集、功能和使用方案与 SQL Server 中提供的特征集、功能和使用方案类似。 主要差异在于: 目标event_file始终使用Azure 存储中的 blob,而不是使用磁盘上的文件。 Azure SQL 数据库仅支持数据库范围的事件会话。 这意味着: ...
适用于:SQL ServerAzure 数据工厂中的 SSIS Integration Runtime SSISDB 目录是使用已部署到 Integration Services 服务器的 Integration Services (SSIS) 项目的中心点。 例如,您可以设置项目和包参数,配置环境以便为包指定运行时值,执行包并对包进行故障排除,以及管理 Integration Services 服务器操作。