释放与指定环境、连接、语句或描述符相关联的资源,它替代了ODBC 2.x函数SQLFreeEnv、SQLFreeConnect及SQLFreeStmt。SQL_SUCCESS:表示调用正确。SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO:表示会有一些警告信息。SQL_ERROR:表示比较严重的错误,如:内存分配失败、建立连接失败等。SQL_I
Oracle Communications Order and Service Management - Version 2.5.2 to 7.0.3 [Release 2.5 to 7.0.0]: How To Handle Error Java.sql.SQLException: ORA-01013: User Reques
执行下面的程序: int main() { exec sql whenever sqlerror goto handle_error; exec sql create table customers(cid char(4) not null, cname varchar(13), …); … handle_error: exec sql drop customers; exec sql d
Could not find database engine startup handleand some Hex error like'0x851a0019'error could also be'Wait on the Database Engine recovery handle failed'. ↑Back to top Cause Following can be the reason behind the error message. The account which...
SQL_SUCCESS、SQL_ERROR或SQL_INVALID_HANDLE。如果SQLFreeHandle 返回SQL_ERROR,则句柄仍然有效。诊断SQLFreeHandle 返回SQL_ERROR时,可以从 sqlFreeHandle 尝试释放但无法释放的句 柄的诊断数据结构中获取关联的 SQLSTATE 值。 下表列出了通常由 SQLFreeHandle 返回的 SQLSTATE 值,并在此函数的上下文中解释每个...
SQL_SUCCESS、SQL_ERROR或SQL_INVALID_HANDLE。如果SQLFreeHandle 返回SQL_ERROR,则句柄仍然有效。诊断SQLFreeHandle 返回SQL_ERROR时,可以从 sqlFreeHandle 尝试释放但无法释放的句 柄的诊断数据结构中获取关联的 SQLSTATE 值。 下表列出了通常由 SQLFreeHandle 返回的 SQLSTATE 值,并在此函数的上下文中解释每个值;...
most_recent_sql_handle列始终与most_recent_session_id列同步。 technet.microsoft.com 2. TheSQLhandleofthe lastrequestexecutedonthisconnection. 此连接上执行的上一个请求的SQL句柄。 technet.microsoft.com 3. ThefirstcallpassesinahandleoftypeSQL_HANDLE_DBCtogettheerrorassociatedwithaconnection. ...
SQL_ERROR SQL_INVALID_HANDLE 如果SQLFreeHandle()返回 SQL_ERROR ,那么句柄仍然有效。 Diagnostics 表2. SQLFreeHandle SQLSTATEs SQLSTATE描述说明 01000警告。参考消息。 (函数返回 SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO。) 08S01通信链路故障。HandleType参数为 SQL_HANDLE_DBC ,并且CLI与其尝试连接的数据源之间的通信链路在函数...
SQL_SUCCESS, SQL_ERROR, or SQL_INVALID_HANDLE. IfSQLFreeHandlereturns SQL_ERROR, the handle is still valid. Diagnostics WhenSQLFreeHandlereturns SQL_ERROR, an associated SQLSTATE value may be obtained from the diagnostic data structure for the handle thatSQLFreeHandletried to free but could not...
Whenever we perform a division in SQL, we must remember to handle a ‘divide by zero’ error. Even though there is no data with value zero in the