select count(num), max(name) from student --列出重复的记录数,并列出他的name属性 group by num having count(num) >1 --按num分组后找出表中num列重复,即出现次数大于一次 删数据: deletefrom student group by num having count(num) >1 这样的话就把所有重复的都删除了。 3.用distinct方法 -对于小...
sql语句删除重复行 select distinct * into #temp from cat delete from cat insert into cat select * from #temp drop table #temp 1. 2. 3. 4.
sql语句删除表中重复行 SELECTROW_NUMBER()OVER(ORDERBY身份证号码)AS行号,*INTO#temp1fromsj_就业局_就业困难人员灵活就业社保补贴_2014_2018SELECTROW_NUMBER()OVER(ORDERBY身份证号码)AS行号,*INTO#temp2fromsj_就业局_就业困难人员灵活就业社保补贴_2014_2018SELECTROW_NUMBER()OVER(ORDERBY身份证号码)AS行号,...
sql语句 删除重复的行 DELETE from t_holders a where (a.hid,a.company_id) in (select hid,company_id from t_holders group by hid,company_id having count(*) > 1) and id not in (select min(id) from t_holders group by hid,company_id having count(*)>1)...
在要删除的有重复数据中存在几种情况:1.存在两条完全相同的纪录 这是最简单的一种情况,用关键字distinct就可以去掉。example: select distinct * from table(表名) where (条件)2.存在部分字段相同的纪录(有主键id即唯一键)如果是这种情况的话用distinct是过滤不了的,这就要用到主键id的唯一性...
delete from tab where ROWID IN (SELECT ROWID FROM (SELECT RANK()OVER(PARTITION BY 重复字段 ORDER BY ROWID)t FROM tab WHERE 重复字段 IN (select name1 from tab group by 重复字段 HAVING COUNT(重复字段)>1))WHERE t>1);
5.从原始表中删除重复的行。例如: 复制 DELETE t1 FROM t1, holdkey WHERE t1.col1 = holdkey.col1 AND t1.col2 = holdkey.col2 1. 2. 3. 4. 6.将唯一行放回原始表中。例如: 复制 INSERT t1 SELECT * FROM holddups 1. 【编辑推荐】 ...
SQL Server 语句删除重复行数据 查询重复数据 SELECT * from 数据表 WHERE (turbid,rectime) in (select turbid,rectime from 数据表 group by turbid,rectime having count(*)>1) 将原表添加id列保存到新表“数据表_new” SELECT row_number() over() as id , * into 数据表_new from 数据表 ORDER ...
select distinct member_id from order_table;--输出唯一的会员编号
他给的示例SQL如下: select HName,case when IsEnable=1 then '启用' else '停用' from tb_User ...