If length and height of an object are equal, the object is called Regular polygon. The formula: size in feet = square root (square feet); square feet of an object = height in feet * width in feet = size in feet * size in feet = size2in square feet. ...
amyloliquefaciens SQ-2 at different inoculum concentrations on the dry and fresh weight, stem length, and stem diameter of hydroponic rice 处理 根干重 茎干重 根鲜重 茎鲜重 茎粗 株高 Treatment Dry weight of root/g Dry weight of stem/g Fresh weight of root/g Fresh weight of stem/g Stem ...
path-root-regex@^0.1.0: version "0.1.2" resolved "http://r.cnpmjs.org/path-root-regex/download/path-root-regex-0.1.2.tgz#bfccdc8df5b12dc52c8b43ec38d18d72c04ba96d" path-root@^0.1.1: version "0.1.1" resolved "http://r.cnpmjs.org/path-root/download/path-root-0.1.1.tgz#...
amyloliquefaciens SQ-2 at different inoculum concentrations on the dry and fresh weight, stem length, and stem diameter of hydroponic rice 处理 根干重 茎干重 根鲜重 茎鲜重 茎粗 株高 Treatment Dry weight of root/g Dry weight of stem/g Fresh weight of root/g Fresh weight of stem/g Stem ...