Define Sq yds. Sq yds synonyms, Sq yds pronunciation, Sq yds translation, English dictionary definition of Sq yds. Noun 1. square yard - a unit of area equal to one yard by one yard square sq yd area unit, square measure - a system of units used to measu
P12ps29 8D D (0)d fu ISS66uou'V (61)d s1s Sq yDs(81)d sn()d hiym noyynV (91)d asn101(ST)d bu Dbu butbu g0Tn()a P2182punof pason' paas(I)a a131(1)jíom lt un op' D '(11).13103113p10'8ooH D1 I V(0T )d194nop napt3(6)d pau os(8)anb1baq'(...
P ia psn)DD (0)I bu SS66upuon oo ou(6I)1s1s Sq yDs(81)I sn()1hiym uan noy ayn V ( 91)I asn]'(SI)G bu LD bu bubu g0T()d Pa1sa punofps ps()au4()jíom it un opD '()I.ta P10 8oIN aamoH1u(0)I19t nop Dap!(6)I pau os(8)anb Ibaq'...
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tender for commercial property at ground floor only bearing municipal corporation no b 10 480 b x 480 a and measuring 44 33 sq yds and having ground to roof height of 10 50 foot situated at teelian wali gali near weight ganj ludhiana
据美媒当地时间4月18日报道,当日美国纽约曼哈顿下城一处停车场发生倒塌事故,目前已造成1人死亡、6人受伤,可能还有人员被困在建筑物内。纽约市消防局在一份声明中说,急救人员正在尽最大努力寻找更多可能被困的人员。 据报道,当日16时许,曼哈顿下城一个停车场的二楼发生倒塌,导致人员伤亡,现场还有多辆汽车堆叠在建筑...