A380 seat map The Singapore Airlines A380Business Classseating map is in a has 1-2-1 configuration giving a uniquely wide seat, which instead of reclining, has the back flip down to make a level bed: however this bed means your feet have to poke into a hole in the seat in front, ...
今天繼續我的頭等艙之旅,SQ830的A380頭等艙套間! 首先上路線圖: 放一下seat map。這架A380不算特別新 (空乘說下一步重心在350上了)。採用了四倉布局。 (頭等Suite,商務,超經,經濟)我的座位在2F。A380分上下兩層,下層有Suite,超經,經濟艙依次向後,上層全商務倉聽起來很霸氣的樣子。 登機之前先...
definitely go for the double-decker. What makes Suites special is how much space there is. Not only is there a separate seat and bed, but if you’re traveling as a couple, the divider between Row 1 and 2 can be lowered to create a full double bed. Talk about luxury in the skies....
Airbus A380-800 Age 6y, 8m Seats 427 Distance Flown 2,564 km Economy Business First Amenities Meal included Seatback entertainment system Wi-Fi (free) USB port and power outlet Seat Information 81 cm More legroom than on 17% of flights ...
新加坡航空公司官网,提供新加坡飞往全球各地的国际航班查询,预订机票。了解我们的最新旅游优惠及促销信 息,规划一个完美的旅程。
Seat: 15H (Business Class) I boarded through the second set of doors, where I was greeted by an exceptionally friendly cabin manager and flight attendant who pointed me left into the business class cabin. The A330 is the backbone of Singapore Airlines’ short-haul fleet. The plane has a...
大家好我是太陽。上次在SQ7 LAX-ICN-SIN的遊記中提到了我用新航里程106250+$403.82的YQ 定了SQ7 以及 SQ830。今天繼續我的頭等艙之旅,SQ830的A380頭等艙套間! 首先上路線圖: 放一下seat map。這架A380不算特別新 (空乘說下一步重心在350上了)。採用了四倉布局。 (頭等Suite,商務,超經,經濟)...
今天继续我的头等舱之旅,SQ830的A380头等舱套间! 首先上路线图: 放一下seat map。这架A380不算特别新 (空乘说下一步重心在350上了)。采用了四仓布局。 (头等Suite,商务,超经,经济)我的座位在2F。A380分上下两层,下层有Su… Read more 飞行体验...
放一下seat map。这架A380不算特别新 (空乘说下一步重心在350上了)。采用了四仓布局。 (头等Suite,商务,超经,经济)我的座位在2F。A380分上下两层,下层有Suite,超经,经济舱依次向后,上层全商务仓听起来很霸气的样子。 登机之前先去休息室一探究竟。
今天继续我的头等舱之旅,SQ830的A380头等舱套间! 首先上路线图: 放一下seat map。这架A380不算特别新 (空乘说下一步重心在350上了)。采用了四仓布局。 (头等Suite,商务,超经,经济)我的座位在2F。A380分上下两层,下层有Su… Read more 飞行体验...