SDC文件可以直接被SpyGlass读取,自动转换成SGDC,需要设置以下内容完成sdc2sgdc的转换: set_option sdc2sgdc yes sdc_data –file “test.sdc” 下面是一个SGDC文件的例子 3.2 目标(Goal)设定和运行阶段 在此阶段,你将选择并运行目标。目标是规则的集合。 你可以选择规则,也可以指定规则执行的顺序。 在SpyGlass CDC...
如果了解block的约束,可以直接在SGDC文件中定义constraints。 Translating SDC Commands to SGDC Commands 使用sdc2sgdc命令,将block-level的SDC命令转换成对应的SGDC约束。 Predicting Constraints 跑cdc_setup_checkgoal来生成约束。此goal的Clock_info15rule来生成约束。在SpyGlass CDC验证中使用这些约束前需要检视这些约束。
After you identify the block on which you want to perform the CDC verification, you will have to provide SpyGlass with the design information that is not apparent in the RTL description, such as clock net and reset net information. This is done through the SpyGlass Design Constraints (SGDC) ...
Creating SpyGlass CDC Setup.Goal:cdc_setup;指定constraints(SGDC file),parameters 及其他指定用于该project的定义来精准运行SpyGlass CDC检查。可以使用‘sdc2sgdc’ 命令来将 block-level SDC 转化成相应的SGDC 约束文件。运行‘cdc_setup_check’ goal能够生成constraints, 但生成的constraint一定要designer仔细review下...
设计风险,增加Tape out成功率。。。 下面简单介绍下,如何使用SpyGlass? 和GCA一样,用法也很简单,这边推荐使用GUI图形界面1.Design Setup 把需要的design data准备好,包括网表.v(或者sourcefilelist),technology library,sgdc文件(没有的话可以用sdc代替,使用命令set_optionsdc2sgdc yes ...
23 of 112 SpyGlass Design Constraint File SGDC = SpyGlass Design Constraints Defines constraints similar to what an SDC file does for DC/STA. • SDC is not sufficient since it doesn't describe resets or CDC specific ...
There are two ways of applying SGDC constraints in Atrenta Console 1. When performing analysis via GuideWare where constraints are required as input, guidance is provided via setup wizards and in-line help to assist in the SGDC creation and fine-tuning process ...
. A lot of SoC designers reject it because of noise issues, and from our competitive experience has a lot of issues loading very large blocks and the associated runtime hit. That's in addition to needing to generate SGDC from the SDC and hoping the translation matched the origin...