SpyGalss是目前业界唯一可靠的RTL Sign off解决方案,可以帮助客户在设计早期发现潜在问题,保证产品质量,极大的减少设计风险,降低设计成本。 包含五大模块:lint, CDC(跨时钟域检查), LP(低功耗),Constraint(约束),DFT(可测试性)。 SpyGlass CDC分析使你能够识别设计中的CDC问题。SpyGlass CDC tool是一种 Formal Check...
You can also double-click on the violation message to view the spreadsheet that lists the details of the flip-flops for which the async signal is not disabled in the test mode. To fix the violation, either fix the test mode or the async signal 例1. 例2....