In a typical game of Spyfall 2, when playing with 2 Spies, they also don’t know who the other Spy is. But the rules do suggest an alternate way to play where the 2 Spies can know who each other. Before starting, everyone closes their eyes and the 2 Spies open their eyes to see ...
Mobile version of "Spyfall" board game What is this? Spyfall is a psychological game which goal is to uncover a spy. It is preferred to play in a company of 4-5 people. How to play? Get together with a company of players. Yes, you really should all get together in the real world...
The same probing questions, but in the past and the future now!
HK$180.00 存貨狀況: 預訂(Pre-order) BGG 平均分數: 7.30 Image: List price: HK$180.00 Price: HK$180.00 Weight: 1.5 lb URL: Catalog: 預訂貨物貨物搜尋 (Item Search) 所有貨物(All Items) 最新一版現貨(One Page In Stock (Most ...
HK$160.00 存貨狀況: 缺貨(Not able to order) BGG 平均分數: 7.39 Image: List price: HK$160.00 Price: HK$160.00 URL: Catalog: 缺貨產品(Out of Print)貨物搜尋 (Item Search) 所有貨物(All Items) 最新一版現貨(One Page In Stock (...
要贏得遊戲必須具備觀察、專注、冷靜以及狡詐,當然可別問些令人噴飯傻眼的問題…… YouTube上 關於間諜危機 (Spyfall)的介紹影片 Lanlalen EP316: Spyfall Board Game Review - Spyfall - First Play Thoughts Board Game Reviews Ep #32: SPYFALL + SPYFALL 2...
HK$190.00 存貨狀況: 預訂(Pre-order) BGG 平均分數: 6.90 Image: List price: HK$190.00 Price: HK$190.00 URL: Catalog: 預訂貨物貨物搜尋 (Item Search) 所有貨物(All Items) 最新一版現貨(One Page In Stock (Most Recent)) ...
Spyfall is a party game unlike any other, one in which you get to be a spy and try to understand what's going on around you. It's really simple! Spyfall is played over several rounds, and at the ... Play Spyfall board game online
間諜獲勝先+2分。如果是【狀況二】或【狀況三】,再額外+2分。 間諜輸掉,其他玩家+1分。如果是【狀況二】,指認成功的玩家額外+1分。 #遊戲結束收回夾鏈袋時要記得把間諜牌放到最下方 相關連結 間諜危機BGG:連結點我 電商-桌遊好地方(Boardgametogo) 點擊前往商店頁面 FB IG 其他熱門活動...