Description of your problem Variable Explorer not working with ipdb. First off, let me say spyder is amazing, it is so far the only IDE that allow me to debug my code with ease and observe the variable changes, and that worked great for ...
Spyder version: 5.5.1 (conda) Python version: 3.12.7 64-bit Qt version: 5.15.2 PyQt5 version: 5.15.10 Operating System: Windows-11-10.0.22000-SP0 This is a brand new Windows Anaconda install. The Variable Explorer window shows imported variables and local variables but not variables declare...
在"Variable explorer"(变量资源管理器)部分,选中"Open variable explorer automatically"(自动打开变量资源管理器)复选框。 点击"Apply"(应用)按钮,然后点击"OK"(确定)按钮以保存更改。 现在,当你运行Python代码时,Variable Explorer将自动打开并显示变量的值和类型。这使得你可以更方便地查看和调试你的代码中的变...
1. Variable Explorer窗口的基本功能 显示变量信息:Variable Explorer窗口会列出当前Python内核中的所有变量,包括变量名、类型、大小和值。 管理变量:用户可以通过Variable Explorer窗口添加、删除和编辑变量的值。 数据可视化:对于某些数据类型(如NumPy数组、Pandas DataFrame等),Variable Explorer窗口提供了数据可视化的功能,...
首先鼠标右键,选择在交互窗口运行 然后运行,在运行窗口点击变量 然后就可以查看相关变量size和value了,...
PS:建议在windows下,安装anaconda32bit版本的,可以兼容更多第三方包。 Conda使用清华镜像 配置镜像 在conda安装好之后,默认的镜像是官方的,由于官网的镜像在境外,我们使用国内的镜像能够加快访问的速度。这里我选择了清华的的镜像。镜像的地址如下:点我进入tuna ...
其实Google一下能找到的,方法如下:Does VS code have variable explorer object like we have it in... Go to the IPython console in the Spyder IDE and type %reset. It will prompt you to enter (y/n) as the variables once deleted cannot be retrieved. Type 'y' and hit enter. That's...
Show plots generated in the Variable Explorer or its viewers in the Plots pane. Show Matplotlib backend state in status bar. Make kernel restarts be much faster for the current interpreter. Turn runfile, debugfile, runcell and related commands into IPython magics. Add a new way to manage and...