As you can see below, the new trailer forSpy x Family Code: White is nothing short of stylish. We are able to hear the English dub cast in all its glory as Yor and Loid prepare for a trip. With Anya at their side, the parents are set on an out-of-country vacation in this film...
Spy x Family's newest movie has proven to be a major success in Japan for three weekends straight, proving how popular the franchise is currently.
Anime Expo 2022 - SPY x FAMILY English Dub Cast Panel (Jul 3, 2022) Interest: Kids and Their Parents Can Wear Matching Anya Outfits in Spy×Family Collaboration (Jun 18, 2024) Now You Too Can Rock Yor's Dress and Anya's Uniform from Spy×Family (Sep 29, 2023) Spy x Family Voic...