Discover the talented voice actors who bring the characters to life in Spy X Family Code: White. ByJake Dee Nov 30, 2023 Spy x Family Cast and Character Guide TV Lists Spy x Family has made a name for itself since its release. While we wait for Season 2, here is a cast and charact...
Spy x Family: Con Takuya Eguchi, Atsumi Tanezaki, Alex Organ, Saori Hayami. Para cumplir con éxito una misión, un espía ultrasecreto del más alto nivel necesita formar una familia. Poco sabía él que su mujer y su hija tenían secretos y que formar
首先出场的版本是【激光精雕+彩钛款】,成熟的工艺,出众的色彩表现,深受各位玩家的喜爱,本次Beedog Studio 更是诚意满满,将常规的磨砂表面升级为与阿尼亚一回品质相同、制作难度更高的镜面彩钛工艺,希望各位小伙伴喜欢; 接下来出场的版本,没错,也是我们的老朋友了,他就是【碳化蚀刻+激光精雕+彩钛款】,想必大家都...
Spy x Familyis a manga by Tatsuya Endo following the adventures of the Forger family. The Forgers are made up of Loid, a spy, Yor, an assassin, Anya, a young psychic, and Bond, a clairvoyant dog. Each member of the family tries to hide their secret identity from the others, which ...
SPY x FAMILYSticky Notes 2025 NewWe created sticky notes of the TV animation series “SPY x FAMILY,” in which a distinguished spy, a telepath, an assassin, and a future-predicting dog spend their days as a temporary family. It comes in ten designs, including the characters from the “SP...
Loid Forger, the ace spy ofWestalis, has been assigned to make contact with the top politician ofOstania. Therefore, he founded a fake family consisting of the adoptive daughterAnya, who can read thoughts,Yor, who also works as an assassin, andBond, the family dog with the ability to ...
These thoughts led to the characters of SPY x FAMILY, three people and a dog, who each have their own traumas, being together as a family. “Life” feels like it has the power to uplift the listener’s mind and body, and I also felt a connection with “Why.” I ...
● 产品名称:Beedog studio 《SPY x Family》 阿尼亚方向键钛合金键帽 ● 键帽材质:钛合金 ● 开团售价:650元/套 ● 开团数量:限量30套 ● 开团时间:11月17日晚7点30分-11月20日晚10点 ● 开团方式:群内石墨填写付款信息 ● 发货时间:预计截团后15-20天 ...
All of the characters have their own villains which makesSpy x Familyan intriguing series. Apart from the country’s secret police, Loid faces a skeptical brother of Yor, Yuri, who is wholly dedicated to her. Just like the protagonists, Yuri has his own secret. Hemasqueradesas a diplomat ...
Spy x Family Ch. 106 / Mission 106: The Bad It’s amazing what Endo can do with the characters miming out the dinner in a solid black background. Alas, there is in fact almost no action or comedy in Spy x Family Ch. 106. The most action we get is of one of the bodyguards c...