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You know they have twenty people working on the service, and you think you can do it with a single-person business or you hire somebody overseas and you outsource it, or you get your kids, or local high school interns. Whatever the reason, one of the things you first need to do is ...
My golf experience has been a long and interesting ride. A high school friend invited me to go play one idle summer afternoon. His dad let me borrow a set of clubs, and off we went. I think I shot an unofficial 120 but I hit that one shot - a blistering, medium high draw i...
Ireland - Art school kids go crazy before they end up as accountants. Kinda like the fact you get they know that. Cyprus - Oh for god's sake put them away mate. And you love. Why are there so much cheap tosh on here? Canada - This really really sounds like something else. But at...
A psychic but also a Sunday School teacher and member of the brotherhood Of Christ. One thing he said, I found hard to believe at the time. He said, in so many words, that Russia would be in the forefront in leading the USA, and probably other nations, back to Christ. This was ...