Simply Media, out now Spike Milligan’s anarchic comedy show. A recent repeat of a Ken Dodd comedy spectacular from 2002 was prefaced with a statement to the effect that the contents reflected the time in which they were made. Goodness only knows what wo
Ruth Deaver finds herself unstuck in time as she struggles with the intruder in her house. Over the first six episodes of this series I have constantly been distracted by the Stephen King references, but in this spellbinding instalment my focus was all o
By Paul Darrow Big Finish, out now Avon: Survivor. Planner. And now target. It’s a long time since Paul Darrow penned fiction about the character that he memorably played on screen for four years – Avon, A Terrible Aspect came out in the States nearly
Will is falling dangerously ill – but it seems as if only one person can save him… Emma Reeves pens this important episode that picks up on the calamitous events of episode 6 and shows its consequences on the gang – from Lily, who reaches out to someo
By Adam Bray, Lorraine Cink, John Sazaklis, Sven Wilson DK Books, out now A fully illustrated guide to the Marvel Universe… This isn’t the book you’d go to for detailed accounts the history of the Marvel Universe(s) of the last 80 years plus – that’
Months after Nick Fury promoted him to Director, Phil Coulson is still battling against the public perception of SHIELD as he tries to rebuild the organisation... There’s a feel of taking stock about this first episode of the new season of SHIELD, with