We highlight the newly emerged roles of plant SPX-PHR proteins beyond phosphate starvation responses in controlling arbuscular mycorrhizal colonization success in roots.doi:10.1007/s00299-022-02845-2Srivastava, RajatRoychowdhury, AbhishekKumar, Rahul...
已有研究表明:低磷条件下,水稻磷稳态调控的核心转录因子–PHR2通过二聚化结合顺式调控元件(P1BS),激活一系列磷饥饿响应基因的表达,促进磷的吸收与利用;高磷条件下,SPX2蛋白感知磷信号,进而结合并抑制PHR2的转录活性,维持磷稳态,避免磷中毒。但SPX2如何感知和传递磷信号的具体分子机制,尚不清楚。 近日,湖北洪山实...
一、巴登担任职务:担任贡觉县班琼大藏金绘唐卡艺术有限责任公司监事;二、巴登的商业合作伙伴:基于公开数据展示,巴登目前有10个商业合作伙伴,包括贡秋巴姆、扎弟、卓嘎永措等。 老板履历 图文概览商业履历 任职全景图 投资、任职的关联公司 股权穿透图 挖掘深层股权结构 商业关系图 一图看清商业版图 合作伙伴 了...
However, how SPX-PHR signaling module regulates the expression of miRNAs in response to long-term Pi starvation in rice remains elusive. A genome-wide analysis of the expression files of miRNAs that are responsive to Pi-starvation and resupply in roots of WT, Osphr2, Osphr13, Osphr123, ...
Here, we report crystal structures of the rice SPX2/InsP/PHR2 complex and of the PHR2 DNA binding (MYB) domain in complex with target DNA at resolutions of 3.1 and 2.7, respectively. In the SPX2/InsP/PHR2 complex, the signalling-active SPX2 assembles into a domain-swapped dimer ...
Plant growth depends on the continuous availability of the macro-nutrient phosphate(Pi).However,in most soils,Pi is only poorly accessible to plants,resulting in Pi deficiency and triggering a number of Pi starvation responses.One strategy of plants to over-come Pi limitation is to form a ...
Old dog,new trick:The PHR-SPX system regulates arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosisPlant growth depends on the continuous availability of the macro-nutrient phosphate(Pi).However,in most soils,Pi is only poorly accessible to plants,resulting in Pi deficiency and ... 查看全部>>...
Inositol pyrophosphates promote the interaction of SPX domains with the coiled-coil motif of PHR transcription factors to regulate plant phosphate homeostasisINOSITOL phosphatesTRANSCRIPTION factorsINOSITOLPYROPHOSPHATESHOMEOSTASISESSENTIAL nutrientsPhosphorus is an essential nutrient taken up by organisms in the ...