provided that the investor involved and the strategy employed satisfy the criteria of the Tax Code. Investors should consult with their tax advisors to determine how the profit and loss on any particular option strategy will be taxed. Tax laws and regulations change from time to time and may be...
It's vital to grasp that one SPX option with the samestrike priceand expiration is approximately 10 times the value of one SPY option. Therefore, each SPX point was the same as $100.5 For example, suppose SPX was at 2,660 points, and SPY traded near $266. One in-the-money SPX optio...
Tax laws and regulations change from time to time and may be subject to varying interpretations. ** Cboe Regulatory Circular RG15-183 notes that Cboe rules allow a short position in a cash-settled-index option established and carried in a margin account to receive covered margin treatment if...