重传场景的复杂性,在 TCP 分析中对于TCP Spurious Retransmission是与TCP Out-Of-Order、TCP Fast Retransmission、TCP Retransmission等在一起判断标记乱序或重传类型,而在不少场景还会有判断出错的问题,当然 Wireshark 考虑到这种情况,也有手动修正的选项,这正好也侧面证明了上面的说法,关于 TCP 乱序、重传的复杂性。
Spurious Retransmissions are one's that are considered unnecessary -- in Wireshark, a retransmission is marked as "spurious" when Wireshark has seen the ACK for the data already. Let's take a glance inside Wireshark's TCP dissector to see what the Wireshark development team wrote about Spuri...
Troubleshooting steps on how to deal with retransmission issue on I225-V Description ASUS Prime Z590-A with Windows® 11, experiencing occasional 10-20 seconds of connectivity delay with every website using any browser. When booting up to Wireshark on both the Surface and the PC, the PC...
对于第一种情况,如果抓包点在服务端的话,wireshark很有可能就会把来自客户端的重传包标记为TCP Spurious Retransmission。 如下图,红线的TCP包为重传包,wireshark为该包添加了重传原因,是由于TRO超时导致,以及初传包序号45,并给出了当前的RTO超时时间。 8)TCP zerowindow 包种的“win”代表接收窗口的大小,当Wires...