例如测共存频段Band3,频率范围为: 1805MHz-1880MHz,对应测量带宽MBW=1MHz,所以实际测试的频率范围为: 1805.5MHz-1879.5MHz。 另外不同Rel版本对应的测试要求有所差异,以下详细分析LTE Band1对应Rel9, Rel10, Rel11和Rel12的测试要求,相应的要求见表2、表3、表4、表5。 表2 Rel9 共存杂散限值 (LTE FDD Ba... Operating Band Unwanted Emission Limits For the LTE base station, the problem of the implicit variation of the boundary between OOB and spurious domain with the varying channel bandwidth is handled by not defining an explicit boundary. The solution is a unified concept ofoperat...