美[spɜr] 英[spɜː(r)] v.刺激;激励;促进;鞭策 n.刺激;激励;鞭策;靴刺 网络距;马刺;踢马刺 复数:spurs过去式:spurred现在分词:spurring 搭配 同义词 反义词 v.+n. spur growth,spur investment,spur demand,spur Economy,spur boom 权威英汉双解 ...
Spur 是本周《经济学人》(2024年10月19日刊)标题为“Europe must play to win—not just play nice—in a new space race, argues ESA’s boss”一文中出现的一个单词: Advances in rocketryspuradvances in missiles and other industries. 从拼写上来看, spur 是一个...
《spur》是1989年创立的日本时尚杂志,引领时尚新贵的流行魅力指标。简介 时尚杂志官方资料:虽然追崇欧美到了过分的地步,但日本自己独特的品味准则却不曾动摇。日本吸纳西方文化美学,而传统艺术中那份炫目色彩与精致品味又能得到保留。就如同国际有名的杂志SPUR,虽是日本杂志但搭配英文,对流行趋势一一解说,图文并茂...
spur的基本意思指骑马时,用靴根或靴刺去刺马腹,使之向前疾进,引申指由于愉快、激动的心情或欲望而导致格外加速的行动,即“激励”。 spur只用作及物动词,接名词、代词作宾语,也可接以动词不定式充当补足语的复合宾语。 spur的宾语后常接介词to引起的短语,表示“鼓励某人去做…,促使某人去…”。 spur的过去式和过...
spur /spɜː/ CET4 TEM4 [ spurring spurred spurs ] 1 及物动词 If one thing spurs you to do another, it encourages you to do it. 鼓动; 激励 It's the money that spurs these fishermen to risk a long ocean journey in their flimsy boats. 是金钱驱使这些渔民驾驶单薄的小船冒险出海远...
Railroads.spur track ( def ). verb (used with object) spurred,spurring. to prick or urge with or as if with a spur or spurs; incite or drive (often used withon): The rider spurred his mount into a wild gallop. Their encouragement spurred her on to achieve even more. ...
The meaning of SPUR is a pointed device secured to a rider's heel and used to urge on the horse. How to use spur in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Spur.
To spur something on is to get it going, to encourage it, to hasten it or stimulate. Cowboys wear spiky metal tools called spurs on their boots to kick their horses and spur them to greater speed.刺激某事就是让它继续下去,鼓励它,加速它或刺激它。牛仔们在他们的靴子上穿上尖刺的金属工具,称...
催化剂C102(螯合锡U-220H)概述:品名:催化剂C102(螯合锡U-220H)中文同义词:催化剂C102,螯合锡,U-220H,双(乙酰丙酮酸)二丁基锡,MS胶催化剂,硅酮胶高效催化剂,硅烷改性聚氨酯高效催化剂,Tegokat TK226,TIB KAT226,合成聚乙烯催化剂,SPUR催化剂一、概述:催化剂C102是采用进口先进技术螯合而成的一种高活性的...