Stationary plasma thrusters, including the new generation SPT-140 thruster, are finding a wider application aboard spacecraft with increased requirements in terms of resistance to external mechanical loads. When designing a thruster, one of the most important requirements is to ensure its mechanical ...
The High Performance Hall System (HPHS) program supports the development and flight qualification of a 4.5 kW electric propulsion system that includes the SPT-140 Hall thruster. The Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) and International Space Technology, Inc (ISTI) are co-funding the HPHS progra...
Measurements of this pressure dependence were performed on a qualification-model SPT-140 thruster over the 0.9-4.5 kW range of interest for the Psyche mission. Thrust sensitivity to pressure, in an absolute sense, was largest at 4.5 kW and decreased with power until there was little-to-no ...
Stationary plasma thrusters, including the new generation SPT-140 thruster, are finding a wider application aboard spacecraft with increased requirements in terms of resistance to external mechanical loads. When designing a thruster, one of the most important requirements is to ensure its mechanical ...
Maslennikov, NGnizdor, R., Kozubsky, K., Maslennikov, N., Murashko, V., and S. Pridannikov, "Performance and Qualification Status of Multimode Stationary Plasma Thruster SPT-140," IEPC 99-090, 26th International Electric Propulsion Conference, Kitakyushu, Japan, Oct. 17-21, 1999....
As part of an on-going cooperative program with industry, an engineering model SPT-140 Hall thruster, which may be suitable for orbit insertion and station-keeping of geosynchronous communication satellites, was evaluated with respect to thrust and radiated electromagnetic interference at the NASA Lewis...
Integrated tests with the SPT-140 thruster indicated that the PPU was able to repeatedly initiate the thruster's discharge, achieve steady state operation, and successfully throttle the thruster between 1.5 and 4.5 kW. The measured SPT-140 performance was identical to levels reported by Space ...