I don't have that mod. But have plenty of others. So I'll assume it's a mod interaction and work from there as my ram speeds have been checked already. Appreciate the insight, have a good night man. Qwertyalex43 minutes ago
MOD发布页 作者对枪械拟真方面的认知程度非常高. 之前和朋友探讨过的枪械配重平衡, 持枪姿势等等塔科夫...
该mod需要的两个前置mod在该网址下可跳转下载。第二个:looting bots外网原地址:网页链接 该模组同样让3.6.1离线版的bot表现接近于线上版,具体在于ai不再是假装搜物资,而是货真价实的自行寻路并搜索资源点,甚至自行把身上不好的装备丢掉替换。这使得高资源点附近玩家更可能碰到pmc或scav并与之交战,喜欢打完pmc和...
Realism Mod: Adding Compatibility For Weapons, Gear and Ammo RECOIL VALUES AND WHAT THEY DO - Patch 14 Recoil Values and What They Do (PRE PATCH 14) Resources: All Zone Id's R(Sequel) Resources: Ammos ID Resources: Appearance and Voices ...
塔科夫离线版mod模组SPT全网大合集更新 24.11.15 逃离塔科夫离线版390版本及以上兼容mod模组SPT全网大合集更新 24.11.15 【悦游悦快 B站selyue 2024.11.15 Q群35815947】 No Atten - selyue于20241115发布在抖音,已经收获了546个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好生活!
效果炸裂!真正VR塔科夫SPT 模组 逃离塔科夫VR版MOD 独立联机版 PVE离线版 13.0万 39 05:17 App 逃离塔科夫VR版!萌新新手保护机制格洛克的胜利。 27.0万 18 00:13 App 超越了3A游戏的座位可以坐,4M游戏的梯子可以爬 6594 3 01:14 App 都2024年了我不允许你还不知道VR版的塔科夫 4827 10 12:01 App 逃离塔...
Then this mod is for you! This mod is built around realism: armor and ammo will perform as close to how they would in real life as possible in EFT, large calibre rifle rounds will drop you very quickly while pistol rounds are far less lethal, guns act like guns and don't need ...
逃离塔科夫离线版390版本及以上兼容mod模组SPT全网大合集更新 24.09.07 2681 0 01:54 App 逃离塔科夫离线版390版本以上MOD模组介绍-LootValue-3.0.3 物品显示价值393 2.1万 12 03:46 App 手机也可玩!1.22最新【PC+安卓米塔MiSide】最新绅士MOD整合包+绅士实用MOD模组,附安装教程解压畅玩!!! 2819 0 00:23 ...
Mod that provides some basic options for adjusting Flea Market things. Featured DLC - Vanilla Fem Clothing Hjal Sunday, 4:40 am SPT 3.10 112 Feminine Proportion Reshaped Vanilla Clothing (Non-Replacing) RCTA - Ada Wong [RE4R] Hjal
最近,一位创意无限的MOD制作者将宝可梦卡牌带入了SPT模式。这个名为“Collectables: Pokémon Cards”的MOD让玩家能够收集156张独一无二的宝可梦卡牌,并通过合成强化它们。更令人兴奋的是,这些卡牌不仅可以在游戏中找到,还能在你的避难所里展示,为你的基地增添一抹独特的色彩。捕捉所有卡牌,成为最强训练师 《逃离...