SPDT(Single Pole Double Throw):单刀双掷开关。 DPDT(Double Pole Double Throw):双刀双掷开关。 SPST-NO单刀单掷-常开线圈通电时闭合 SPST-NC单刀单掷-常闭线圈通电时断开 SP and DP refer to single pole and double pole, ST and DT refer to single throw and double throw. Polerefers to the number ...
Yongsheng Dai,Xiaojian Chen,Tangsheng Chen等.Reflect Type DC-20GHz MMIC high performance SPST and SPDT switches. IEEE ICMMT . 2000Yongsheng Dai,Xiaojian Chen,Tangsheng Chen,Lijie Yang,Lin Liu,Shuping Gao,Hui Li,Jingting Lin.Reflect Type DC-20GHz MMIC high performance SPST and SPDT switches. ...
SPST和SPDT是常用来描述开关的缩写。SPST是Single-Pole Single-Throw的缩写,Pole指的是一个开关可以“同时”控制的电路数量。Throw表示可以切换的输出数量。
andisolation levelsupto60dB.Switchesareavailable withorwithoutdrivers;TTLdriversare standardandECLdriversareavailableas anoption. ApplicationsFeatures AttenuatorsSwitchingOptions AMModulatorsDriverOptions GeneralRFSwitchingCompactDesign ReceiverProtectionLowLoss IntegratedSystemsHighIsolation SeriesHSW SPST&SPDTPINSwitches ...
爱企查为您提供MAXIM/美信 DG418CY+ 模拟开关 IC Improved, SPST/SPDT Analog Switches,深圳市长源昌盛科技有限公司售卖商品,可电话联系商家或留言询价。模拟开关;模拟开关批发;模拟开关行情报价;模拟开关价格;模拟开关底价;模拟开关图片;模拟开关厂家;模拟开关生
Resistance, +12 V, ± 5 V, +5 V, +3 V, SPST and SPDT Switches DESCRIPTION DG417LE, DG418LE, DG419LE analog switches are designed to operate from +3 V to +16 V single supply or ± 3 V to ± 8 V dual supply and are fully specified at +12 V, ± 5 V, +5 V, and +3...
DPDT Switch|DPST Switch|SPDT Switch|SPDT Switch (Three-Phase)|SPST Switch (Three-Phase) Topics Switch Between Physical Signal and Electrical Ports Select a Web Site Choose a web site to get translated content where available and see local events and offers. Based on your location, we recommend...
Harmony 9001SK Push Button Switches Description PUSHBUTTON 600VAC 10AMP 30MM SK Circuit SPDT + SPST-NC Switch Function Off-On Termination Style Screw Terminal Package Box Mounting Type Panel Mount, Front Actuator Type Round, Button, Mushroom Actuator Marking Picture Showed Type Standard 包装和发...
NKK日本进口显示智能开关IS-F15ACP4彩色Switches现货发光按钮 深圳顺途科技有限公司 15年 回头率: 17.3% 广东 深圳市 ¥100.00 按钮开关 SPST 16A W/BARRIER 杭州纳隆电子科技有限公司 12年 回头率: 20% 浙江 杭州市 ¥13.50 成交280个 双位按钮开关22mm大电流防尘红色绿色双按键启动停止塑料按钮开...