SPDT(Single Pole Double Throw):单刀双掷开关。 DPDT(Double Pole Double Throw):双刀双掷开关。 SPST-NO单刀单掷-常开线圈通电时闭合 SPST-NC单刀单掷-常闭线圈通电时断开 SP and DP refer to single pole and double pole, ST and DT refer to single throw and double throw. Polerefers to the number ...
What do SPST, SPDT, DPST, and DPDT mean? SP and DP refer to single pole and double pole, ST and DT refer to single throw and double throw. Polerefers to the number of circuits controlled by the switch: SP switches control only one electrical circuit. DP switches control two independ...
配置 1 x SPDT 导通电阻—最大值 35 Ohms 电源电压-最小 10 V 电源电压-最大 30 V 最小双重电源电压 +/- 4.5 V 最大双重电源电压 +/- 20 V 运行时间—最大值 175 ns 空闲时间—最大值 145 ns 最小工作温度 - 40 C 最大工作温度 + 85 C 系列 DG419 高度 1.5 mm (Max) ...
https://e2e.ti.com/support/switches-multiplexers-group/switches-multiplexers/f/switches-multiplexers-forum/954615/ts5a3166-audio-spst-swith-and-spdt-switch器件型号:TS5A3166 主题中讨论的其他器件:TS5A22364 大家好、 我们是否有任何适用于音频应用的 SPST 开关和 SPDT 开关...
SPST和SPDT是常用来描述开关的缩写。SPST是Single-Pole Single-Throw的缩写,Pole指的是一个开关可以“同时”控制的电路数量。Throw表示可以切换的输出数量。
This paper presents the design and characterization of ultrafast wideband low-loss single-pole single-throw (SPST) and single-pole double-throw (SPDT) differential switches. The SPDT switch exhibits insertion loss of lower than 1.25 dB from 42 to 70 GHz and isolation of better than 20 dB from...
MAXIM MAX4544CPA+ 模拟开关 IC Low-Voltage, Single-Supply Dual SPST/SPDT Analog SwitchesMAX4544CPA+ 30615 MAXIM N/A 20 ¥1.0000元>=1 个 深圳市向安科技有限公司 5年 查看下载 立即询价 查看电话 QQ联系 MAXIM DG419DY+ 模拟开关 IC Improved, SPST/SPDT Analog Switches ...
Resistance, +12 V, ± 5 V, +5 V, +3 V, SPST and SPDT Switches DESCRIPTION DG417LE, DG418LE, DG419LE analog switches are designed to operate from +3 V to +16 V single supply or ± 3 V to ± 8 V dual supply and are fully specified at +12 V, ± 5 V, +5 V, and +3...