必应词典为您提供spruce-firforest的释义,网络释义: 云杉;云冷杉林;
1. 云杉 ...(4.2公里),但是你可以由此深入有400年历史的云杉(Spruce-fir Forest)和60年树龄的美国黑松林(Lodgepole pine forest… blog.sina.com.cn|基于4个网页 2. 云冷杉林 云冷杉,Picea jezoensis... ... ) Abies and Picea 冷杉和云杉 )spruce-fir forest云冷杉林) spruce fir forest 云冷杉林 ...
2) spruce fir forest 云冷杉林 1. The article studies the effects onspruce fir forests′ litter and soil moisture content and litters′ decomposing rate under different management system in north Changbai Mountains. 论述了检查法(少量、多次择伐法)不同作业方式对长白山北部云冷杉林下枯落物、土壤含水...
Spruce-Fir Forest occurs in the subalpine zone, at the highest elevation of any major forest in the American Southwest. It is dominated by Engelmann spruce, either subalpine or corkbark fir, and quaking aspen. Most research on Spruce-Fir Forest dynamics is from the central and northern Rocky...
Spruce-Fir Forest occurs in the subalpine zone, at the highest elevation of any major forest in the American Southwest. It is dominated by Engelmann spruce, either subalpine or corkbark fir, and quaking aspen. Most research on Spruce-Fir Forest dynamics is from the central and northern Rocky...
Soil warming: consequences for foliar litter decay in a spruce-fir forest in Maine, USA. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 62, 1072-1080.Rustad L E,Fernandez I J.Soil warming: consequences for foliar litter decay in a spruce-fir forest in Maine, USA. Soil Science Society of America Journal . ...
Forest Vegetation Simulatorsilviculturespruce-firEnhancement of forest growth through silvicultural modification of stand density is one strategy for increasing carbon (C) sequestration. Using the Fire and Fuels Extension of the Forest Vegetation Simulator, the effects of even-aged, uneven-aged and no-...
She looked around and padded off across a ravine, toward the edge of the blue spruce and Douglas fir forest that would be her new home. 她环顾了四周一下,便健步越过沟壑,跑向她的新家——一片由蓝色云杉和道格拉斯冷杉组成的丛林。 www.showxiu.com 10. Spruce up the landscaping with a few ne...
2) natural spruce-fir mixed stands 天然云冷杉林 1. The paper has the natural spruce-fir mixed stands as the object of research, which is located in Jingouling forest farm, Wangqing forestry bureau, Jilin province. 从直径结构、大中小径级比例、树种组成、林分密度、林分平稳状态和择伐措施等...
of the forest's range, southern spruce-fIr forests and their associ- ated amenities are especiallysensitive to natural Sensitivity of Protection Value to Forest Condition or public benefit valuesconstitute approximately 72.6% of a Colorado resident's WTP value for forest protection. abies...