在计算机图形学中,透明精灵(Transparent sprite)是一种常见的动画效果,它可以让一个精灵在另一个精灵的背景上移动或变换。这种效果在许多游戏中都非常常见,例如《Minecraft》、《我的世界》等。 要实现透明精灵动画覆盖背景,我们需要使用一些技术。首先,我们需要创建一个精灵对象,并设置其透明度。然后,我们需要创建一个...
移动整个合并后的背景图片位置:background-position 一般情况下精灵图(背景图片中的一个小图)都是负值...
--Now set the blend modelogo:setBlendMode(Sprite.MULTIPLY)-- Add the logo to the stagestage:addChild(logo)-- Set the background color of the stage to black (you can experiment)stage:setBackgroundColor(0.07,0.07,0.07)-- r, g, b-- Define the onEnterFrame event function. This deals ...
texture = this.Content.Load<Texture2D>("logo"); texture2 = this.Content.Load<Texture2D>("transparentSprite"); } protected override void Update(GameTime gameTime) { if (GamePad.GetState(PlayerIndex.One).Buttons.Back == ButtonState. Pressed || Keyboard.GetState().IsKeyDown(Keys.Escape)) Exi...
name:file name requirements for:logo.pngname, butfolder namingwhere they placed is most important part of contribution size:256px by 256px background: preferably transparent use simple drag and drop online servicetinypngto optimize image size ...
你可能好奇为什么所有的background layer图片都必须是screen-sized。这不是浪费内存么?实际上,不是这样的。如果你在SpriteSheet中放置这些图片,SpriteBuilder会减掉任何excess transparent areas。 上图顶部的灰色区域是被SpriteBuilder剪掉的,因为这一区域只包含透明的像素。
The bite mask has CanvasItemMaterial set to multiply, and the bite texture should be transparent where you want the mask to cut (inverted in the OP's case). (subtract_mode is broken, but it would make this better by not having to invert it) What you describe as possible solution was ...
DJD, about your back sprite, it looks fantastic, but there's just one little thing bugging me: lava lamps are supposed to be kind of transparent, but Molly's head disappears behind it completely on the lower left corner: Hide Doran Dragon also has this issue. fryfrey May 25, 2012...
free icons, vector icons, png icons, svg icons, web icons, internet icon, css sprite generator 简介(Description) 177个字符 (一般不超过200字符) Icon Ninja collects 700080 free icons in 16306 icon sets, including 33350 vector icons and 666730 transparent background png icons, also you can gener...