error: ‘sprintf_s’ was not declared in this scope Standard function snprintf should have a similar semantics. snprintf 来替代吧
‘sprintf_s’ was not declared in this scope sprintf_s(buf, 256, "predicted position:(%3d, %3d)", predict_pt.x, predict_pt.y);windows平台下线程安全的格式化字符串函数sprint_s并⾮标准C函数,因此linux下⽆法使⽤,但可以使⽤snprintf函数代替。right code:char buf[256];snprintf(buf, ...
syntax int sprint_s( char *buffer, size_t sizeOfBuffer, const char *format ) /...
Next comes the first call into an application defined function,ProgramIDFromArgV, which extracts the base name of the program,SecurePrintFHazard, from the name by which it was invoked, which it receives in the form of a pointer to the first element in the argv array. Since it is unrelated...
C++中"was not declared in this scope"问题记录;以及通过正则表达式提取文件中数字的方法 2019-11-15 05:38 −1 void Graph::InputListGene(bool TOG,int nbNodes,ifstream& f){ 2 string* line = new string[nbNodes]; 3 int count =0; 4 while(!f.eof()){... ...