因此我们应该将其称为Sprint Review而不是Sprint Demo。
不过他可不只是为了Demo,今天就聊一下我对这个Event的认识。先看一下Scrum Guide中的一段描述: Sprint Review 的目的是检视 Sprint 的成果并确定未来的适应性。Scrum Team 向关键利益攸关者展示他们的工作结果,并讨论 Product Goal 的进展情况。 可以看到这里说到Sprint Review这个事件也是为Scrum三大支柱中透明、检视...
不过他可不只是为了Demo,今天就聊一下我对这个Event的认识。先看一下Scrum Guide中的一段描述: Sprint Review 的目的是检视 Sprint 的成果并确定未来的适应性。Scrum Team 向关键利益攸关者展示他们的工作结果,并讨论 Product Goal 的进展情况。 可以看到这里说到Sprint Review这个事件也是为Scrum三大支柱中透明、检视...
But I do have a bone to pick. It concerns me when people refer to the Scrum “sprint review” practice as the “sprint demo” or just “demo.” While it might seem like a matter of semantics, calling the review a demo can have the very real effect of detracting from the true goal...
确定迭代周期内要做的内容后,每天团队会根据Sprint Backlog进行Daily Scrum(每日站会)。通常情况下,团队会采用Scrum Board(有时间限制的Kanban)作为站会辅助工具。当Sprint Backlog都完成后,输出的产物被成为increment/demo。团队会对这些产物进行审阅,确定那些验收没问题,这一过程叫做Sprint Review。
Sprint review: A step-by-step guide Tre passaggi per migliorare le revisioni degli sprint con il tuo team Agile.Di Dan Radigan Esplora argomenti Manifesto Agile Scrum Panoramica Sprint Pianificazione dello sprint Cerimonie Backlog Revisioni degli sprint Riunioni stand-up Scrum Master ...
A Sprint Demo (also called Sprint Review or Show and Tell) is a collaborative technique used to ensure that key stakeholders are aware of, and accept, the value being delivered at the end of each sprint. During the sprint demo, the work that was completed, as well as the forecasted work...
Sprint review vs. sprint demo TheScrum mastermust understand the differences between a sprint review and a sprint demo. Thesprint reviewis a broader, collaborative meeting held at the end of a sprint. In it, the Scrum team and stakeholders inspect the sprint’s outcome, discuss what the team...
Sprint2 Review 和 Retrospective Sprint2的确失败了,很多任务没有完成,而且Product Owner对Demo并不满意。大家经过深刻的反思还是发现了不少问题的: <!-- [if gte mso 9]><xml> <w:WordDocument> <w:View>Normal</w:View> <w:Zoom>0</w:Zoom> <w:TrackMoves/> <w:TrackFormatting/> <w:Punctuation...
Get an AI-generated sprint review of all issues closed in a sprint. Use it as a sprint demo agenda, a high-level view of completed work, or a historical record of sprint success. Get sprinting testimonials What our customers are saying ...