Finally, once a decision or plan is made, make sure someone captures that information in your project management or collaboration tool, like your Jira tickets. That way, both the decision and the rationale are easy for everyone to see later. While you’re working on being a scrum all-star ...
As organizations and teams continue to work in a faster and more adaptive way, agile project management can help your team be more flexible while delivering value rapidly and incrementally—allowing f...
Longer projects will inevitably have more sprints, but if your project is 12 weeks long, four to six sprints may be an average/standard number of sprints. This brings us to the stages involved in the sprint process.Stages of a Scrum sprint in project management Within the Scrum framework,...
In Scrum, we typically work in sprints depending on the extent of the overall project. In a sense, one Sprint within Scrum should be a project in itself, with start and finish. We work towards a Sprint goal, we plan, refine, build, deliver, review and etc. During a sprint there is...
Welcome back to Business English for today’s lesson on English for project management meetings. In this lesson, we’re going to look at delivering an initial test build to the client. In our last lesson, we looked at how important it is to set clear expectations with a good project kic...
在这一章节里面主要讲的是微软的PM(Programe Manager)和其他团队PM(Project Manager)的区别,个人觉得微软的PM给团队成员带来的感觉是很不一样,就好像是战友一样,工作起来也很有感觉。我们现在就缺乏那种感觉,因为有其他的作业和课程,不能完全把精力放在这个团队上面,大家要相互协调一下。
Agile Product Management with Scrum in a Nutshell What are Scrum's Three Pillars? What is Agile Software Development? What is Agile Project Management? Scrum in 3 Minutes What are the 5 Scrum Values? What is the Evolution of Scrum?
In an ideal Agile world, the Scrum team is always completing all the selected user stories at the end of the sprint. In the real world however, there might be some product backlog items that don’t have a “done” status, but are only partially finished. Should you split them for the...
Story points in agile project management are a way of estimating the amount of effort a task will take relative to other issues the team is working on. Story points are not measured using time metrics. Issues “Issues” in agile project management are another word for smaller tasks or individ...
Yodiz supports two types of Sprint Boards to designed to fulfill your team needs in following the specific [...] How to Use Calendar Drive your schedule and track project timeline accurately by using Calendar. It provides the team a quick reference [...] How to Use Swimlane Swimlane allows...