Superintendent Chalmers fired new Principal Ned Flanders when he overhears him saying "thank the Lord" over the PA system.[23] Sports[edit] There are a number of sports teams and sports arenas: the Springfield Isotopes, a baseball team (which once threatened to move to Albuquerque, New ...
克拉克州立社区学院和Third Presbyterian Church也是该地区的重要地标。无论您是来旅游还是出差,斯普林菲尔德丽怡酒店周边的地标和景点将为您的行程增添无限乐趣。周边餐厅斯普林菲尔德丽怡酒店周边有多家知名餐厅可供选择。您可以品尝Arby's的美味烤肉三明治,享用Bob Evans的家常美食,还可以尝试Catanzaro's Pizza & Subs的...
Lincoln-Herndon Law Offices State Historic Site 160米 Prairie Archives 190米 First Presbyterian Church 200米 Korean War Veteran National Museum & Library 270米 查看周边地标 有用信息 性价比 8.9 位置评分 9.6 斯普林菲尔德亚伯拉罕林肯总统希尔顿逸林酒店提供的房型 惊艳了 客房品质及舒适度 10...
northwestern part of the city, is theLincoln Tomb (another state historic site), which holds the bodies of Lincoln, his wife,Mary, and their sons Edward, William, and Tad. The memorial is 117 feet (36 metres) tall and is surmounted by a granite shaft. The First Presbyterian Church ...