【春田1903】国外枪械爱好者介绍Springfield M1903 A3步枪 5.3万播放 东铭1/6春田步枪模型兵人枪模把玩 2.4万播放 【静模制作】Part1,1/48T34-76坦克模型制作Part1HobbyBoss出品YouTube转载PLASMO - plastic models频道 428播放 【静模制作】Part2,1/48T34-76坦克模型制作Part2HobbyBoss出品YouTube转载PLASMO - pl...
Description Files 1 Images 4 Videos 0 Posts 14 Bugs 0 Logs Stats About this mod This mod replaces R-2124 Constitution with the Springfield M1903A3 rifle. Share Permissions and credits This mod replaces R-2124 Constitution with the Springfield M1903A3 rifle. That's it.VORTEX...
全地图潜行玩法解锁稀有武器方法经验和钱获取方法 值得收仓库的武器操作技巧汇总冰淇淋和彩票使用 创意工坊mod加载近战武器使用指南冰淇淋车位置介绍 载具代码表查看游戏复活操作占点奖励获取技巧 小队设置指南彩票获得社区箱子反AI机枪制作方法 游戏小技巧分享炸塔心得分享实用的列兵战术 ...
FH2制作进程更新:..Vast Variety of Violence - Part 4Posted by: Eat Uranium 03.02.2019 19:00 GMTHello and welcome
A Redux of the M1903A3 Springfield by Trentosaurus with new Animations! attachments! Uniques! B42 TTW and CaliberZL support!
由于 M1 式步枪的产量不足,M1903 式步枪仍然是美国军队装备的主要步枪,在第二次世界大战中,美国军队仍大量装备,剩余的 M1903 式斯普林菲尔德步枪被赋予了新的使命,包括狙击步枪,1943 年正式命名为“M1903A4, 0.30 英寸狙击步枪”,也称为“斯普林菲尔德狙击步枪”该枪在 M1903A3 的基础上改进,加装 2.5 倍光学...
Most games with a sniper variant of the Springfield available for use has the M1903A4 as the model. It is an M1903A3 Springfield with the iron sights removed and a telescopic sight put on. The more commonly seen scopes include the Unertl 8X, Winchester A5 and Weaver 330C or an 'Alaskan...
M1 Carbine, M1 Garand, M1903 & M1903A3 Springfield, M1941 Johnson, M1917 Enfield M98K German Mauser ***Click here for details!*** If you own any of the same type of firearms listed below, you can trade it in on a new MILTECH! M1 Carbine, M1D Garand, M1 Garand, 1903 Springfiel...