Dana-Thomas House 是偉大建築師 Frank Lloyd Wright 的作品之一,他最有名的作品是紐約的古根漢博物館。 如果你是 Frank Lloyd Wright 的粉絲,來到依利諾州,你不能錯過在 Springfield 的 Dana-Thomas House 及在芝加哥的 Frank Lloyd Wright Home and Studio。 如果你問我喜不喜歡這個建築師,我會覺得他是個很厲...
In the heart of our country, progressive-minded heiress Susan Lawrence Dana hired architect Frank Lloyd Wright to design her a home in which she could advance ideas about education and democracy. The environment they created is one of the best-preserved examples of Wright's "organic ...
Andrew McGinn Staff Writer
此外,弗兰克劳埃德的达纳托马斯(Frank Lloyd Wright's Dana-Thomas House)也位于酒店附近。这座建筑是美国著名建筑师弗兰克·劳埃德·赖特的代表作之一,被誉为现代建筑的杰作。游客可以参观这座建筑,欣赏其独特的设计和精美的内部装饰。 除了以上两个地标,斯普林菲尔德亚伯拉罕林肯总统希尔顿逸林酒店附近...
As you walk through the gated garden courtyard entrance you cannot resist the feeling inspired by the "Prairie Style" Frank Lloyd Wright architecture that surrounds you! The relationship of the environment to the exterior architecture forms an intimate and harmonious ambience, utilizing the organic ...
Does Crowne Plaza Springfield Convention Center clean and sanitize public areas and publicly accessible facilities (i.e. meeting rooms, restaurants, elevator banks, etc.)? If yes, describe any new measures that are taken. Yes, Follow state of IL...
Dana-Thomas House State Historic Site preserves a house (1902–04) designed by Frank Lloyd Wright. The Lincoln Memorial Garden and Nature Center is near Lake Springfield (a reservoir completed in 1935) at the southeastern edge of the city. The home of the poet Vachel Lindsay, a Springfield ...