a trendy eatery serving up innovative dishes in a vibrant setting. For those seeking authentic Thai flavors, Appethaising is a must-visit, offering a menu bursting with aromatic spices and bold flavors. Curve, located nearby, offers a range of international cuisines, making it the perfect spot...
Pro Tip: You don’t need a club membership to dine here. Spike Mendelssohn, a Top Chef alumnus, has created a delightful menu, with a health-conscious slant. Pizza, flatbreads, sandwiches and other items are available for takeaway. The sit-down menu is a treat. We h...
性價比評分10分滿分獲8.7分,於華欣/七岩屬高評分 性價比8.7 評分 9+ 卓越 (430) 8-9 優秀 (288) 7-8 很好 (337) 6-7 良好 (154) <6 失望 (101) 住客類別 住客類別 房型 房型 語言 Select your country 篩選包含以下關鍵字的評價: 顯示1,310 份已驗證評價 排序方式...
Restaurant is a misleading word when you look at the menu of what we could have ordered. More like a diner. No hot tub (I thought there was one listed in the description). See above for breakfast. Staff was nice, but not usually at the front desk. They came quickly when we were ...
性价比8.7 评分 9+ 惊艳了 (432) 8-9 棒棒哒 (285) 7-8 还不错 (332) 6-7 小一般 (153) <6 差强人意 (101) 住客类型 住客类型 客房类型 客房类型 点评语言 Select your country 显示相关点评 显示1,303 条真实住客点评 排序方式: