We want to make your experience of preparing and submitting your research using LaTeX as pain free as possible. To help support you we offer guidance and templates for journal articles, books, and conference proceedings. Download the journal article template package (December 2023 version) Journal...
本模板应该下载为“模板(Template)”文件(“.dot”为扩展名) 而不是“文档”文件(以“.doc”为扩展名)。在模板中输入您的稿件后,请保存为“文档(.doc)” 格式。模板中已包含许多了本次论坛投稿格式要求。模板使用方法如下: 1. 在 Windows 操作系统中,直接双击本模板文件,然后就可以输入你的稿件了。如果你想...
ResearchonHandLanguageVideoRetrieval ShiLinZhang 1 ,MeiGu 1 1 FacultyofComputerScience,NetworkandInformationManagementCenter NorthChinaUniversityofTechnology Beijing,China {zhangshilin,gumei}@126 Abstract.InordertoprovideforChinesedisabledpersonanefficientcontent- basedhandlanguagevideoretrievalsystem,thispaperpresents...
Decisions tend to either be that the author needs to revise the manuscript or that the manuscript is rejected. Template emails are again useful here. Request for revision should include statements as follows: Your paper has now been peer reviewed and attached (or below) please find the reviewer...
This template takes a ‘content first’ approach with minimal formatting. Instead it is designed to promote editorial policy best practice, and move seamlessly through editorial and production systems. Preparing your research We understand that many researchers prefer to use LaTeX when preparin...
This method of generalization is known as analytical generalization. In this approach, a previously developed theory is used as a template with which to compare the empirical results of the case study (Yin 1989). This comparison of emergent concepts, theory, or hypotheses with the extant literatur...
Manuscripts with mathematical content can also be submitted in LaTeX. We recommend usingSpringer Nature’s LaTeX template. 稿件应在 Word 中提交。 对文本使用普通的纯字体(例如,10 磅罗马时代)。 使用斜体进行强调。 使用自动页码功能对页码进行编号。
Information Commissioner’s Office (2018) DPIA Template v0.4. https://ico.org.uk/media/for-organisations/documents/2553993/dpia-template.docx. Accessed 17 August 2021. Jobin A, Ienca M, Vayena E (2019) The Global Landscape of AI Ethics Guidelines. Nature Machine Intelligence 1:389–399. Art...
1 Introduction This instruction file for Word users (there is a separate instruction file for LaTeX users) may be used as a template. Kindly send the final and checked Word and PDF files of your paper to the Contact Volume Editor. This is usually one of the organizers of the conference. ...
5、vour keywords in this section.1 introductionthis instruction file for word users (there is a separate instruction file for latex users) may be used as a template. kindly send the final and checked word and pdf files of your paper to the contact volume editor. this is usually one of ...