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近期在使用Springer nature template 进行算法伪代码的格式调整时,出现如下报错: 经研究,发现是因为之前的latxe 中使用的是\usepackage{algorithmc},\usepackage[linesnumbered, ruled]{algorithm2e}等包,但因为springer nature latex template 中只能使用 并且,不能自己添加其他的包,会报错,估计是 springer nature late...
SpringerNature2021LATEXtemplate参考⽂献不显⽰问题处理办法 LaTex编辑后能够正常⽣成pdf⽂件,但排版后参考⽂献消失,可采⽤如下步骤解决: 采⽤LaTex排版 从bst⽂件夹中将sn-mathphys.bst⽂件剪切到上⼀级⽬录 采⽤BibTex排版 再采⽤pdflatexmk排版 这样参考⽂献就能出来了,并且与正⽂形成了...
整个编译栏目没有红色或者橙色报错信息。 笔者就遇到其中有个故障信息非常烦人,具体内容为:Package breakurl Warning: You are using breakurl while processing via pdflatex.(breakurl) \burl will be just a synonym of \url. on input line 48 Package breakurl Warning: You are using breakurl while proces...
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要在使用 Springer Nature 2021 LaTeX 模板的过程中将参考文献改为数字引用,并按照第一个作者姓氏首字母...
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LaTeX Error: File ‘trackchanges.sty’ not found. If you are submitting to eJP using the Springer Nature LaTeX template you will need to use the pdflatex option in the preamble to allow PDF compilation. Books authors Preparing your research Regardless of the authoring software you chose to ...
As part of Springer Nature, Springer Nature Link delivers fast access to the depth and breadth of our online collection of journals, eBooks, reference works and protocols across a vast range of subject disciplines. Springer Nature Link is the reading platform of choice for hundreds of thousands ...