程怡吉 博士 Springer Nature 生物医学期刊高级出版人 Email:karen.cheng@springernature.com 程怡吉,中国科学院大学博士,2014年加入施普林格·自然,目前担任大中华区生物医学期刊高级出版人,主要负责生物医学领域的期刊合作与发展。 重点图书 Epigenetic Mech...
As part of Springer Nature, Springer Nature Link delivers fast access to the depth and breadth of our online collection of journals, eBooks, reference works and protocols across a vast range of subject disciplines. Springer Nature Link is the reading platform of choice for hundreds of thousands ...
As part of Springer Nature, SpringerLink delivers fast access to the depth and breadth of our online collection of journals, eBooks, reference works and protocols across a vast range of subject disciplines. SpringerLink is the reading platform of choice for hundreds of thousands of researchers worl...
陈吟 博士 Springer Nature 生物医学图书副主编 Email:yin.chen@springernature.com 陈吟,美国俄亥俄州立大学博士,2021年加入施普林格-自然,目前担任施普林格·自然集团大中华区生物医学图书副主编。主要负责生物医学领域包括但不限于基因组学和遗传学、细胞生物学、癌症研究、免疫学、神经科学、药理学、毒理学和生物工程等...
As part of Springer Nature, Springer Nature Link delivers fast access to the depth and breadth of our online collection of journals, eBooks, reference works and protocols across a vast range of subject disciplines. Springer Nature Link is the reading platform of choice for hundreds of thousands ...
As part of Springer Nature, Springer Nature Link delivers fast access to the depth and breadth of our online collection of journals, eBooks, reference works and protocols across a vast range of subject disciplines. Springer Nature Link is the reading platform of choice for hundreds of thousands ...
As part of Springer Nature, Springer Nature Link delivers fast access to the depth and breadth of our online collection of journals, eBooks, reference works and protocols across a vast range of subject disciplines. Springer Nature Link is the reading platform of choice for hundreds of thousands ...
Factors Effective in Enhancing the Citation Rate of Iranian Journal Articles with Impact Factor Reported by the Journal Citation Reports 2020 Scientific productions result from researchers' thoughts and efforts; when published in credible journals or indexed by valid databases and cited by other ... La...
Nature Portfolio journals臨床系Natureレビュー誌臨床向けのNatureレビュー誌は、忙しい科学者や臨床医が主要な文献に精通することのできる、レビューおよび解説の最高の情報源です。 一流の専門家が執筆した文献により、信頼に足るトピックの最新情報を提供します。編集権の独立、厳格なピアレビュー...
《中国药理学报》是一本由中国药理学会和中国科学院上海药物研究所共同主办、中国科协主管、与Springer Nature合作出版的全英文刊物,刊登以药理学为主的生物医学研究论文和综述。 2-year Impact Factor (2022): 8.2 5-year Impact Factor (2022): 8.2